Afternoon Must-Read: Lars E. O. Svensson: Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Monetary policy tradeoffs in CESEE###
Lars E.O. Svensson
Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden,
Conference on European Economic Integration (CEEI) 2014 Vienna, November 24, 2014
Monetary policy's best contribution to financial stability?
- Inflation on target and resource utilization at long-run sustainable rate
- Suppose 2% inflation and 3% real growth, nominal growth 5% of asset prices and disposable income, doubling every 14 years
- For any given nominal debt, LTV and DTI ratios halved in 14 years. Pretty good for repair of balance sheets.
- Monetary policy should only be the very last line of defense of financial stability, normally not to be used
- What can monetary policy achieve?
- Do not ask to much from monetary policy
- What is the relation between monetary policy and financial stability?
- Monetary policy and financial-stability policy are very different
- In normal times: Best conducted separately, also when conducted by the same institution
- But each policy should be fully informed about and take into account the conduct of the other policy
- In crisis times: Full cooperation between the relevant authorities
- Monetary policy should be the very last line of defense of financial stability, not to be used in normal times  What can – and cannot - monetary policy achieve?
- MP can stabilize inflation around a given inflation target
- MP can stabilize overall resource utilization around a long-run sustainable rate
- But the latter is determined by nonmonetary, structural factors
- MP cannot affect the long-run sustainable rate of resource utilization
- This requires structural policies
- MP cannot solve structural problems
- This requires structural policies
What can – and cannot - monetary policy achieve?
- MP cannot achieve financial stability
- This requires financial-stability policy (macroprudential policy)
- Leaning against the wind cannot solve debt problems
- See Riksbank bad example (FT Big Read Nov 20)
- In Swedish case, benefits of leaning are just around 0.4% of costs (should have be more than 100% of costs to justify policy)
- Inherent flaw in leaning
- Running inflation below a credible inflation target increases households’ and other agents’ real debt burden
- It also increases unemployment
What can – and cannot - monetary policy achieve?
Do not ask too much of monetary policy  What is the relation between monetary policy and financial stability?
Distinguish economic policies according to:
- (1) objectives,
- (2) suitable instruments, and
- (3) responsible authorities
- MP and financial-stability policy (FSP) are clearly separate policies, with different objectives and different suitable instruments, regardless of whether they have the same or different responsible authorities
Monetary policy
- Objective
- Flexible inflation targeting: Price stability and real stability
- Instruments
- Normal times: Policy rate, communication
- Crisis times: Also unconventional measures, balance sheet policies, FX policy, ...
Responsible authority
- Centralbank  Financial-stability policy
- Financial stability: Financial system fulfilling 3 main functions w/ sufficient resilience to disturbances that threaten those functions
- Instruments
- Normaltimes:Regulation,supervision,macroprudentialpolicy, buffers, capital requirements, LTV caps, LCRs, NSFRs, taxes, deposit insurance, ...
- Crisis times: Lending of last resort, liquidity support, capital injections, guarantees, banking resolution, ...
- Varies across countries
- FSA, CB, banking-resolution authority, MoF, ...  What is the relation between monetary policy and financial-stability policy?
Very different policies
- In normal times: Conduct independently, also when conducted by the same authority
- Each policy should be fully informed about and take into account the conduct of the other’s policy
- Similar to MP and fiscal policy (Nash equilibrium rather than coordinated equilibrium (joint optimization)
In crisis times: Full cooperation and joint policies by FSA, CB, MoF, banking-resolution authority...  Monetary policy's best contribution to financial stability?
Inflation on target and resource utilization at long-run sustainable rate
- Suppose 2% inflation and 3% real growth, nominal growth 5% of asset prices and disposable income, doubling every 14 years
- For any given nominal debt, LTV and DTI ratios halved in 14 years. Pretty good for repair of balance sheets.
- Monetary policy should only be the very last line of defense of financial stability, normally not to be used