Morning Must-Read: Matthew Klein: Did Japan Actually Lose Any Decades?
Over at Equitable Growth: How Can We Build a Model in Which an Invisible Japanese Bond Vigilante Attack Is Contractionary?: Daily Focus

Morning Must-Read: David Beckworth: Monday Money Matters Roundup

David Beckworth: Monday Morning 'Money Still Matters' Round Up: "It's the Domestic Demand Stupid!...

...Ramesh Ponnuru reminds us why worrying about "currency wars" is misguided when economies are depressed. It completely misses the point.... It is not the depreciation that matters, but the boost to domestic demand from easing monetary policy. Unfortunately, not every central bank is interested in stabilizing domestic demand as noted next. Monetary Policy Differences Explain a Lot. Martin Wolf looks across the global economy and finds a common factor behind the variation in economic growth: the stance of monetary policy.... The Nominal GDP Targeting Glass is Half Full...
