Noted for Your Nighttime Procrastination for April 14, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Increased Globalisation Explains Some Of The Increase In The US Profit Share :
- "I show adjusting for increased income inequality lowers the rate of U.S. economic growth since 1980 by roughly 15-20%, implying a social cost of increased income inequality in the U.S. of roughly $400 billion. Adjusting for differences in income inequality across countries, the U.S. is poorer than countries like Austria and the Netherlands, despite having higher national income per capita..." :
- Facebook, Network Externalities, Regulation :
- A Tenured Professor On Why Hiring Adjuncts Is Wrong :
- Must-Read: Macroeconomists Need New Tools to Challenge Consensus :
- Today's Must-Must-Read: A Chart Obamacare's Critics Have a Hard Time Explaining :
- Must-Read: Macro Teaching and the Financial Crisis :
- Must-Read: Is Your Job ‘Routine’? If So, It’s Probably Disappearing :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
And Over Here:
- Over at INET: John Komlos: We Must Lean Over Backwards: 'Emulate Richard Feynman...
- Endorsing Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Why isn't Maureen Dowd a New York Times Arthur-Anderson moment?
- Liveblogging World War II: April 14, 1945: How the Nazi Concentration Camps Worked
- You Can Say What You Want About Modern American Libertarianism, But at Least It's an Ethos!
- Comment of the Day: Ajay: Aptly titled: 'It is somewhat depressing that David Graeber not only doesn't appear to know anything...
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- The Code Is Just the Symptom :
- : [Increased Globalisation Explains Some Of The Increase In The US Profit Share