Links and Tweets for May 2015
- Schwartzchild Orbits
- In Defence of History: Book (1999):
- How Dropbox Remains Relevant :
- "To people like us, the advice, 'Just write!' is about as useful as an alien screaming at us, 'Just use your r'tkost organ and you will be able to fly like us!'..." :
- Is Game of Thrones all about the war between Varys and Littlefinger? :
- @EpicureanDeal: ISIS is like Lucy cooking meth in a pup tent sewn from the shredded dreams of Linus’s piano career – Thomas Friedman
- @Popehat: ISIS is like a Shanghai Ben & Jerry's after all the bars have closed. No Chunky Monkey to be found - Thomas Friedman
- @JohnEkdahl: ISIS is like navigating an automated phone operator menu with a broken pound button” - Thomas Friedman
- @Popehat: ISIS is like the monster that lived in our toilet when I was a child. Its name was MAD FACE." - Thomas Friedman
- @ShoutingBoy: ISIS is like a knife fight between the Crips and #Gamergate over performance rights for "Hair". —Thomas Friedman
- @Popehat: ISIS is like a Humpback Whale song played by Lemmy of Motorhead and Zamfir, Master of the Panpipe. - Thomas Friedman
- @ShoutingBoy: ISIS is like that dream where you don't wear pants to work, except it turns out to be No Pants Day. —Thomas Friedman
- @Popehat: ISIS is like an Iron Chef rerun with Chen Kenichi replaced by Napoleon. Theme ingredient: radish. - Thomas Friedman
- @GabrielRossman: Isis is like an autistic adult who speaks no Latin, but has memorized Book II of the Aeneid. --Thomas Friedman
- @Popehat: ISIS is like a series of Bach variations played on a kazoo by a giant golden panda. - Thomas Friedman
- @Brian_Whit: Thomas Friedman: "ISIS is like a missile that got its guidance system from Saudi Arabia and its fuel from Iran"
- "What do you call a $60 million film from a multibillion dollar multimedia company that grossed almost half a billion dollars? If you’re most moviegoers, you call it The Lego Movie, one of the surprise hits of last year. But if you’re Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, you call it anti-business propaganda..." :
- "Millennials to Snake People is a Chrome extension that, naturally, replaces all instances of the word 'millennials' on the web with 'snake people'..."
- "Anderson has a point to make and... overweigh[ts] one side... giving scant acknowledgment to... when Kennan did live up to his reputation... [his] calls for the demilitarization of Germany and Austria in the 1950s, his late-life criticisms of the arms race, and his disdain for George W. Bush’s Middle East adventurism.... [And] Kennan’s elegant historical scholarship deserves more attention..." :
- @HeerJeet: Even the liberal New Republic thinks Perry Anderson is not radical enough...wait, what? What?
- @delong: @HeerJeet RU referring to yourself in the 3rd person again?
- delong: @HeerJeet Thanks 2U I just grabbed opening chapter of Anderson’s American Foreign Policy off amazon. I soon ran across: “a political system that—in strident contradiction with the design of the Founders—has increasingly given virtually untrammelled power to the executive”. There is something impious about even an ex-Trotskyite mouthing the 1790s-Madison-worshipping platitudes of original intent and original understanding. Anderson doesn’t believe 1790s-Madison was all-wise or magical. Y does he pretend?
- @HeerJeet: @delong Anderson, like William A. Williams before him, has odd strain of respect for the traditionalist right.
- @eliasisquith: The comments here about Rand Paul being a Democrat are hilarious & show how much the GOP is run by wingnuts. Or that Politico doesn’t have good sourcing. I wouldn’t know. <>
- @davidfrum: So I’m going to be defending US entry into the First World War at the Library of Congress June 1. Who wants a ticket?
- delong: .@davidfrum Go all the way! say U.S. should have pledged allegiance to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in July 1914, & the enlarged British Empire told Czar, Kaiser to cool it: no Russian backing for terrorism sponsored in Belgrade, no German invasion of Belgium
- @pdacosta: “Something like nominal GDP targeting, appropriately formulated, does look like optimal policy.” - Fed's Bullard
- @drvox: .@jonathanchait takes a @peter_wehner column out back, smacks it around, puts it in the ground, & pees on its grave.
- @karaswisher: Smart, accurate & fair take by @LanceUlanoff: Vox's acquisition of Re/code is a sign of tech-blog reckoning to come
- @Wonkette: Kiddie porn cop says lying Duggars didn't mention ALL the kiddie sex crimes
- @LemieuxLGM: ACA Troofer inadvertently concedes that government should win in King v. Burwell:
- @tinyrevolution: Teddy White was a v famous political reporter. Privately he said he could never tell the truth
- @delong: .@MattGlassman312 who were the three justices that triangulating bastard Grover Cleveland nominated? @imillhiser
- @imillhiser: @delong @MattGlassman312 Cleveland's appointees include Fuller and Peckham, two of the worst justices in US history. Peckham wrote Lochner
- @ezraklein: It's not the media's role to simply ratify the advantages of early name recognition and fundraising prowess:
- Vox's acquisition of Re/code is a sign of the tech-blog reckoning to come :
- Must-Read: 2015 Is Crushing It for Hottest Year on Record :
- Must-Read: Vox Acquires Recode; Stars, Money, and Reach; The Apple Car and Jony Ive - Stratechery :
- The Not-So-Typical Adventures of Lois McMaster Bujold
- Government Austerity Exacts Toll on U.S. Jobs, Wages and Growth :
- @TheStalwart: This piece [by Michael Grunwald] is a killer combination of uncompelling argument + obnoxious tone.
- @shaneferro: @TheStalwart "Did you know that the financial institutions at the heart of the 2008 crisis were not the very biggest banks?"
- @TheStalwart: @shaneferro The piece drips with disdain for those he disagrees with. The author acts like he's arguing with a child.
- @BenDWalsh: @TheStalwart @shaneferro my fav is the “we can’t rewrite the rules of capitalism” line. Was unaware that was what was governing banks!
- @TheStalwart: @BenDWalsh The existing regulations we have for banks just happen to be the "rules of capitalism" and any deviation is impossible.
- @M_C_Klein: @TheStalwart @BenDWalsh right, highly-regulated industry that depends on explicit and implicit govt guarantees operates on law of the jungle
- @BenDWalsh: @M_C_Klein @TheStalwart how do you think they got that implicit govt guarantee? They lobbied for it, like the laws of capitalism told them.
- @M_C_Klein: @BenDWalsh @TheStalwart I hope we can make "the laws of capitalism" into a running joke
- @TheStalwart: @M_C_Klein @BenDWalsh Great call. Will do my part to make #TheLawsOfCapitalism a permanent feature of finance twitter.
- Filling the Green Circle :
- Must-Read: The Most Misleading Definition in Economics (Draft Excerpt from Economics in Two Lessons) :
- Must-Read: Democracy Journal: Arguments: Arthur Brooks and the Desperate Search for a Smarter Conservatism :
- Do tell: RT .@yeselson: “25 yrs ago, @Milbank wasn't interested in Marc Rich locking out… aluminum workers”
- @yeselson: @delong @Milbank DM was just out of college, to be fair. But he was the Pittsburgh bureau chief of the @WSJ. Marc Rich, then the most notorious fugitive from American justice and convicted for the largest tax fraud in US history, controlled a large aluminum plant via proxy/cut out ownership in Ravenswood, WVA. The steelworkers were the union and I worked on the campaign. We approached DM because the USWA was based in Pittsburgh, and the plant was just down the road in WVA. Nothing about the story interested him. Eventually, it made the Times, the cover of Rolling Stone, three Business Week stories, a two part cover story in the Nation written by @DavidCornDC and the first show ever of @DatelineNBC. I think the Yale in his background was trumping his union background (although Yale is great labor hotbed and responsible for some of the very best union staff). Anyway--he's going in the right direction. The column he wrote was analytically smart and heartfelt. As you, Brad, wrote and said just the other day, we should be able to change our minds in the face of changing world. And ps--best part of the Rich story: we chased him all over the world, demonstrated in his many locations, researched the hell out of him so well that Forbes contacted us about his net worth. And after the workers won, he invited the president/vice president of USWA to his Zug, Switzerland lair for a post-battle glass of champaign. Like a Bond villain!
- @DavidCornDC: @yeselson @delong @Milbank @WSJ @DatelineNBC Now that's a throwback!
- @yeselson: @DavidCornDC @delong @Milbank @WSJ @DatelineNBC Ah--we Americans. We can barely remember our own history, let alone the country's!
- @eliasisquith: I can no longer distinguish btwn a Frank Bruni column & a Letters to the Editor section of a midsize retirement community’s newspaper
- @Noahpinion: I must say, I like the Nozick libertarianism about 16 billion times better than the Rothbard libertarianism.
- @nick_bunker: @delong @Econ_Marshall my "iron self-control" seems to have only lasted 9 days
- Do tell: RT .@yeselson: “25 yrs ago, @Milbank wasn't interested in Marc Rich locking out… aluminum workers”
- @abgutman: As per usual, @Noahpinion nails is! After a long semester of grad macro, this article is like awesome fresh air.
- @D_Blanchflower: Mac for most of the last year MPC was worried about exploding wage settlements but failed to comment on the fact that they have slowed duh
- @PatrickIber: Was the revolutionary belief in the creation of a "New Man" the same thing as contempt for existing people? @nils_gilman: Why do secular liberation movements so often give way to religious counterrevolutions?
- @Econ_Marshall: So we've passed "robots are stealing our jobs!!" and made it to "universities can't guess what robots will do next!!"
- Preliminary Notes on Inequality and Urbanism :
- Why Are There So Many Shuttered Storefronts in the West Village? :
- Must-Read: David Brooks is not on a Path of Upward Intellectual Mobility :
- Must-Read: Poisoning the Well, or How Economic Theory Damages Moral Imagination :
- Must-Read: The Quiet Revolution :
- Must-Read: Greg Mankiw Forgot What He Teaches :
- "The biggest surprise for me, and perhaps it shouldn't have been, is the degree to which politicians are willing to put political interests ahead of helping people in need. Watching the political/policy reaction to the Great Recession was both disappointing and eye opening..." :
- Must-Read: Cameron Points Migrant Talent Towards the Exit :
- Must-Read: Would Graduating More From College Reduce Inequality? :
- U.S. scholars need access to public and private big data :
- "I want to tell you from the Russian point of view, what the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things in this war are machines.... The United States... is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines... we would lose this war..." :
- How equality campaigners got Ireland to vote for same sex marriage :
- Must-Read: Readmissions Penalty at Year 3: How Are We Doing? :
- "The Republican Party is primarily the agent of an ideological movement whose supporters prize doctrinal purity, while the Democratic Party is better understood as a coalition of social groups seeking concrete government action. This asymmetry is reinforced by American public opinion, which favors left-of-center positions on most specific policy issues yet simultaneously shares the general conservative preference for smaller and less active government..." :
- 'Our Democracy is Being Owned by a Handful of Billionaires' :
- Pope Francis Takes a Step to Heal Cold War Wounds :
- Mildred's Coffeehouse: 920 Main, Suite 209, Kansas City, Missouri
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Museum
- The Trouble with Econometric Models (1982):
- Glenn Greenwald, I’m sorry: Why I changed my mind on Edward Snowden :
- Unless You Are Spock, Irrelevant Things Matter in Economic Behavior - :
- "The Y chromosomes of the majority of European men can be traced back to just three individuals living between 3,500 and 7,300 years ago..." :
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): This Is Not About Ricardo :
- 2844 Webster St, Berkeley, CA 94705
- Social Credit! Now the Bank of England needs to deliver QE for the people. We propose that the government legislates to empower the Bank with the ability to make payments directly to the household sector... :
- A glass-half-full view of academic fraud in political science - The Washington Post :
- Must-Read: Wreck the RUC :
- Must-Read: The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime: Comment (2005):
- Must-Read: Stock buybacks: From retain-and reinvest to downsize-and-distribute :
- @YaelTAbouhalkah: Yael T. Abouhalkah retweeted Vox: "This is about punishing the poor."Then comes picture of Brownback. The God you say you love would not be pleased. @voxdotcom: Kansas's shocking new law will take poor people’s money and give it to big banks
- @Ivanroberson: Huckabee: That Duggar Boy Made A Mistake, Just Like When My Son Murdered That Dog | Wonkette
- .@pd_caldwell past generation 1st in history in which on net Americans are not moving to places where they are higher paid & more productive
- @neeratanden: Thanks for everyone's big ideas at CAP's Progressive Party last night! Had a blast.
- .@jdportes no, I am not going 2 respond. People making good-faith interesting arguments come 1st. @nfergus in “hell freezes over” category
- @dynarski: Live-tweeting annoying ergonomics online course.
- @HyperbolicTelly: Mike Huckabee: Beyonce is destroying america! #JoshDuggar: molests 5 children Mike Huckabee: That was like, forever ago, get over it
- .@davidmwessel Not optimal control! Optimal control says: if U have a zero bound, when you move away from it you move late and fast!
- @jcrosscall: And- no shock here- coverage gains among older Americans have been greatest in states that expanded #Medicaid
- @jbouie: Book deals, legitimate odds, influencing the field, and #YOLO: Why so many Republicans are running for president.
- @doctorow: Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide [My mathematician dad reviewed a book]
- @davidfrum: WSJ urges Rs to maintain Obamacare subsidies through 2017 even if Supreme Court strikes down exchanges in June It’s been an interesting 5 years since WSJ demanded - and got! - my head for writing that O’care was here to stay
- @charles_gaba: 10% of the U.S. population is now enrolled in ACA-enabled healthcare coverage.
- @JohnFugelsang: Last Fall Michelle Duggar robocalled that trans people might molest your children. Today irony and karma got married.
- @ddayen: Dumbest hit job I've ever seen, and seemingly planted by the Administration to boot
- @Pottedhistory: Roman mass production; I'll show you how an oil lamp was made Sunday & Monday @VindolandaTrust #livinghistory
- @RonWyden: U.S needs a long-term transportation funding solution that provides certainty. Long-term investment will create jobs & jumpstart the economy
- Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Wage
- RELEASE: 1 Million Entrepreneurs Went Missing in the U.S. Economy Before Recession :
- Must-Read: A Fascinating Minimum-Wage Experiment Is About to Unfold :
- Must-Read: Difference Between Economic Growth Rates and Treasury Interest Rates Significantly Affects Long-Term Budget Outlook :
- Must-Read: Time for a Delivery of Eurofudge :
- Must-Read: Stop-Go Austerity and Self-Defeating Recoveries :
- .@cullenroche @Ramanan_V oh, there is a relationship between interest rates and housing, but it is not a reliable relationship…
- .@BCAppelbaum is anyone telling Tucker he's insane? That when NY catches cold, London gets pneumonia, & US problems are global problems?
- @BCAppelbaum: Tucker says the US was basically trying to make an American problem into a British problem.
- @BCAppelbaum: Paul Tucker, former BOE official, says preventing Barclays from buying Lehman was an easy decision. (1/2) #hooverfedconference
- @dvdbllrd: @delong "no true Littlefinger"
- @ben_zipperer: Very thoughtful piece on how city minimum wages will help us understand how labor markets work
- @DylanScott: 1) Nobody’s gonna buy this gross Obamacare. 2) Millions of people bought Obamacare because they were forced to! 3) We were never actually AGAINST Obamacare.4) We actually thought Obamacare up!
- @arindube: A well reasoned, thoughtful look at the data | Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Wage
- @grossdm: Consuming/investing behavior changed after Great Depression--and lasted decades. Not sure why people don't get same re: Lesser Depression
- .@ezraklein Brooklyn Bagels in Oakland, and where else?
- @BethCato: She hated the term "mad scientist." She wasn't mad. She was a calm, rational woman with a clone army. #TwitterFiction
- @joshtpm: ICYMI: How Biloxi, Miss Got Caught Up In The Obama Military Takeover Frenzy @TPM
- @rortybomb: Inequality has 4x effect on poverty than changes in family structure since 1979. -@eliselgould
- Jonathan Shorman: No rush. Keep paying legislators to dither. Kansans will get socked with huge tax increases in the end anyway.
- @HeerJeet: Interesting @chriscmooney article in intersection of religion, belief in evolution & climate denial: "Main driver of climate science rejection...appears to be a free market ideology — which is tough to characterize as religious in nature." That last sentence can, I think, be contested. In it's purer, libertarian form, "free market" thinking is a faith commitment. I mean, Mises & co. were very explicit that their agenda was based on a priori values, not subject to empirical tests. @steveniweiss
- @jdportes: This is true. But I wasn't "debating" @nfergus.I pointed out misuse of data in his FT piece which he should correct
- .@davidmwessel Why isn’t the message of the Fed minutes: “December rate hike doubtful”? What do they think they are doing in there?!
- @Econ_Marshall: Capital is abundant but profits are high. That's how we know finance isn't working.
- @Econ_Marshall: @paulmromer Well, I think you're being too kind to the mathiness of the past in some cases. I differ from your interpretation of Becker. My Ph.D. is from UChicago--meeting w/him convinced me to go; enjoyed Price Theory. Debated him on climate change. This sounds harsh, but my pithy statement about Becker is that most of what he said that's falsifiable is false.
- @Noahpinion: Soooooooooooo many fancy-sounding modern investment strategies are just bets on mean reversion.
- @jdportes: So @sjwrenlewis & I are so obscure @nfergus has to tweet to say so. Self-awareness, like facts, not his strong point
- "What the mouse was to the Mac and multi-touch was to the iPhone, Siri is to the Watch.... [But] the success or failure of Siri... depends on the cloud, and... an examination of their core competencies and incentives argues that the company will never be as good as Google. That was acceptable on the phone, but is a much more problematic... [with] the most important means of interacting with the Watch..." :
- In Praise of Nux, Fury Road's Tortured Soul :
- How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art upon the Gnoles :
- Melissa McCarthy Shuts Down Reporter Who Criticized Her Appearance :
- Dimitri Amilakhvari
- Amtrak Capitol Corridor Schedule
- Obamacare: What If the GOP Gets What It Wants? :
- "At present, when zero interest rates make capital costs as low as they have ever been but corporate profits are at record levels, there needs to be much less concern with capital costs and more concern with the distributional aspects of capital taxation..." :
- .@moorehn @EconoGarry @EvanHoffman Those of us who have read other things by GRRM like “After the Festival” or “A Song for Lya” understand that although GRRM cloaks his story in the tropes of other genres, what he is really writing is horror. I am not saying you should watch GoT. I am not saying that you should enjoy GoT. I am not even saying that there are psychologically healthy people who enjoy GoT. But what just happened to Sansa is not as bad as what happened to Dany back early in season 1, or has happened to innumerable other women not constantly in the camera’s eye episode after episode. The horrible things that happened in season one were not plot-driving exceptional motivators. They are life as it is lived by women in GRRM’s Westeros.
- @dsquareddigest: "Duck Soup" is the only film worth watching about emerging market sovereign debt
- @zeynep: Zeynep Tufekci retweeted Dan Hirschman: Google Reader(ed). (v).: Service gutted because users did not directly pay—or realize they pay for ads indirectly.
- @asociologist: @zeynep @clippingsio I love/hate "Google Reader" as a verb.
- @ryanlcooper: Fallows: "The WMD claims were the result of the need to find a case for the war, rather than the other way around"
- @zeynep: Universal advice. Get your data out of Excel. Pit of mistakes you cannot retrace or debug. Zeynep Tufekci added,
- @kwbroman: The 1 thing every data scientist should know about Excel: Get your data out of Excel. …
- @Eschatonblogrss: The Things, They Change: 60% approve of same sex marriage.Interracial marriage didn't hit that level of suppor...
- @TPM: Herman Cain supporters get email warning of 2017 apocalypse
- @jschmittwdc: "evidence is mounting that having a working mother has..economic, educational and social benefits for children"
- @jschmittwdc: Video of Tony Atkinson talk on what we can do to reduce inequality
- @SciortinoTom: @craig_burley @HeerJeet @delong @steveniweiss "Human behavior is hard, let's go axiom shopping."
- .@B_Eichengreen How much longer before we have to start calling the current unpleasantness “The Greater Depression”? (In Europe, at least.)
- @B_Eichengreen: Speaking on the Great Depression and Great Recession (Brad's Lesser Depression) on Thursday at Chatham House:
- .@holland_tom LOOK! IT’S ANOTHER JUVENILE ALBERTOSAURUS!! cc: @RoyalTyrrell
- @holland_tom: I spend one of the truly great mornings of my life behind the scenes at @RoyalTyrrell - jaw-dropping sights & wonders
- Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: May 21, 2015, from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM, Sacramento, 1130 K Street, Room LL3
- @ernietedeschi: Doug Elmendorf at #FiscalSummit: common view in 2009/10 on both sides that ACA subsidies would be available to both fed & state exchanges.
- @RetirementRsrch: New blog post from CRR Director Munnell: "Good News on Retirement Trends."
- .@paulmromer Yes. A 3% depreciation rate seems good. 10%? Not. 5%? Really stretching it on an economy-wide basis. Krusell & Smith really did not understand that claiming that depreciation was 70% of gross output in Belle Époque France was simply silly.
- @ChMadar: Bizarre: on the mainstream American Right, the only true patriotism is total deference to client states:
- @AliceDreger: Does that mean I have to marry a woman, or just rsvp yes to all gay wedding invitations? RT @stevesilberman Buffoon @SenTedCruz warns of "mandatory gay marriage," as if that's even a thing.
- @paulmromer: The problem is logical errors like 2+3=7, together with words that say that "seven is the new five." Yes, “Perfectly Competitive Innovation” is a green cheese model. I am ok w such models, but not when they say 2 kg + 3 kg = 7 kg. If you tell me the sun will come up tomorrow bc the moon is made of green cheese, it still isn’t science.
- @paulmromer: Friedman used “Methodology" to undermine norms of science and fight monopolistic comp so not the best defense now
- @drvox: @TheDudeAbides:** colilaoptera's photo this one is for @drvox
- .@charles_gaba BUSHPHONES!!!!!!!! @JebBush
- @charles_gaba: State governments lament that citizens are actually getting health coverage - LA Times
- @dsquareddigest: @LorcanRK @delong hold your phone upside down
- .@Noahpinion can U tell me what the point of McGrattan and Prescott in JET is supposed to be?
- @paulmromer: These words are untethered, undisciplined by logic or math, like the set up for an applause line. This is mathiness.
- @mjmauboussin: Finished "Misbehaving" by @R_Thaler. An excellent read. Context and history are important, and this provides both in spades (and is fun!).
- @AdamWeinstein: buried lede: rubio's top donor gave rubio's wife a $54K part-time job to run a charity that gave away only $250.
- @B_Eichengreen: My "Secular Stagnation: The Long View" (short version) is now out in the AEA Papers and Proceedings
- @MJVentrice: West Pacific Warm Pool is shifting eastward, spreading warmth across the eastern side of the Basin.
- .@Noahpinion clearly we should go 2 Duke, take Jeff Biddle’s course, and write final paper IV:
- .@Noahpinion If I had had a weblog in the 1980s, I would Google it and tell you what to read in the Stigler-Chamberlin debate. But alas!
- The Importance of Taxing Capital :
- Must-Read: Protecting the Norms of Science in Economics :
- (2008): [Chicago Fundamentalism: Ideology and Methodology in Economics]( freedman chicago fundamentalism google books&f=false)
- Must-Read: The 15 Best Behavioural Science Graphs of 2010-13 :
- Must-Read: Mediamacro Myth Makers Fight Back :
- Three indicators that point to a sharp slowdown in China's economy :
- 500 Miles
- Why I’m Still Wearing My Apple Watch :
- Must-Read: David Smith's gotcha quotes :
- Looking for the roots of total factor productivity growth :
- The High Cost of Expensive Townhouses :
- Fighting for History :
- What Caused Capitalism?: Reviewing Mokyr, Bickerts, Neal and Williamson :
- John Nash: The Master of Economic Modeling (1995):
- Duke Professor "Blacks at Duke should look at Mike Krzyzewski. All of his life he had terrible Polish jokes thrown at him, far worse that anything than that could be said about blacks in recent decades. The 'n' word is nothing in comparison to those jokes. If any students think that Polish Americans were not heavily discriminated against, they are fools.... [But] he went ahead and did his job. He became the opposite of the Polish stereotype-the brightest of the bright, the most disciplined, the hardest working and the classiest, the most determined to achieve. As a result, even more than Senator Ed Muskie and National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezinski, he has done more than any other person in American history to bury the decades of stereotypes about Polish Americans..." (2001):
- Must-Read: Shifting Implications of the Beveridge Curve :
- Is finance doing what it’s supposed to? :
- Must-Read: The Political Is Personal :
- Must-Read: Obama's Real Problem on Trade Is Way Bigger than Elizabeth Warren :
- Ten Easy Morel Recipes
- The Interest Rate That Did Not Bark in the Night: The Surge in U.S. Treasury Debt and the Non-Reaction of Rates (2011)
- This Billionaire [Harold Hamm] Tried To Get [Oklahoma] University Scientists Fired For Doing Their Job :
- "My own hypothesis has to do with bullet-dodgers versus bullet-swallowers..." :
- Pink Chai
- MisterWives
- Any P-Value Distinguishable from Zero is Insufficiently Informative :
- Paul Romer and Microfoundations :
- .@Noahpinion clearly we should go 2 Duke, take Jeff Biddle’s course, and write final paper IV:
- .@Noahpinion If I had had a weblog in the 1980s, I would Google it and tell you what to read in the Stigler-Chamberliin debate. But alas!
- @LOLGOP: Both parties are exactly the same. Except one doesn't think you have a right to get free energy from the sun.
- .@Noahpinion: I think U miss Romer’s big point (or at least what I take 2B his big point)
- .@dylanmatt I really need for my mental health to be able to mute you before you put @JMfreespeech into my timeline…
- .@dylanmatt if UR going 2 put Judy Miller in my Twitter timeline, U need 2 warn me 1st! Please pre-tweet thus: “IM about to RT Judy Miller…”
- @metkelaw: Amid mounting tension, Mexico agrees to subsidize farmworkers' wages
- @jp_mcginnis: huh RT @JimPethokoukis: "Fiscally, Kansas's supply-side expmt has been a lot of pain with little or no gain"
- @EricHolthaus: "We have this rare opportunity of this ice shelf destabilizing and eventually collapsing in front of our eyes”
- @t0nyyates: 1/ Romer's piece is fascinating, but unattractively pompous and verbose.
- @joshtpm: Florida Man, Deluxe Edirion > Lawyers Behaving Badly: 3 Accused Of Luring Rival Into DUI With 'Flirtatious' Paralegal
- @pdacosta: The Fed won't raise rates when a key measure of economic slack is doing this:
- @AnnieLowrey: @ezraklein ITS TOO EARLY FOR A TAKE THIS HOTT 🔥🔥
- @ezraklein: Journalists and publications have been producing reporting in native Twitter posts for some time now, with no monetization prospects at all
- @Econ_Marshall: Also, only "some" have very unique skill sets? How can you tell which ones, since they all make so much? It's almost like MPL theory is BS.
- @Econ_Marshall: "Some of these CEOs have very unique skill sets" like a scratch golf game and a lifetime of sycophancy.
- @LOLGOP: Great things happen when Mitt Romney loses. Last time 16 million people got insurance and we had the best year of job creation this century.
- [Karl Taro Greenfield's] The Subprimes: A Novel of the Piketty/Klein Apocalypse :
- Racism and Science Fiction (1998):
- Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth :
- Must-Read: Fraternity of Failure :
- Ray Dalio's Bridgewater: This is not a bubble :
- Do not underestimate the power of microfoundations :
- (2014): [Chameleons: The Misuse of Theoretical Models in Finance and Economics]( -The Misuse of Theoretical Models 032614.pdf)
- Shhh! American Principles Project doesn’t want U 2 know Jesus’s first public speech called for foreclosure relief
- @PatrickRothfuss: Loading Autosave. You are in a mailbox. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. > #TwitterFiction
- @trengriffin: @Noahpinion No. Fama needs to explain why more people don't use Vanguard since its rational to do so. Burden of proof is squarely on Fama.
- @ScottFConroy: So... Jeanette Rubio worked for a charity w/ assets over $9 million that gave out $250 in 2013. …
- @grossdm: Deflation is deflationary: Fed's industrial production index has now fallen five straight months.
- @attackerman: We're pretty far past "allegedly" tortured here.
- If the Republican presidential primary field were to be played upon the stage, I would condemn it as an implausible fiction...
- .@Noahpinion would you rather have #FamaFinance that claims that "bubble" is an incoherent and senseless concept?
- @nick_bunker: @delong I prefer the term #thinkfluencer
- @tbogg: Dumb columnist surprised to find some Republicans think the Iraq war was a total clusterf*ck … Mistakes were made
- .@Annaleen who gives the awards for award winning snacks? cc: @shaneferro
- @FreeRangeLawyer: "Now we know what a full-throated defense of civil forfeiture sounds like. And that defense is unconvincing."
- @freddiedeboer: The lead poisoning theory of social problems isn't an alternative to social inequality theories; it's a part of them.
- @samuelpepys: Finding my brother in a lie about the lining of my new morning gown, saying that it was the same with the outside, I was very very angry.
- .@ErikLoomis now, for your next trick, can you please get Maverick added to Netflix Streaming? Thank you…
- @scottekaufman: Majority of likely GOP primary voters believe Operation Jade Helm 15 is prob. a federal invasion of Texas
- @Econ_Marshall: @delong yes, at that hour I finally took a break from programming up my multiple equilibria macro model.
- @kjhealy: The real test of the power of a new theory or method is how much of the nominal "existing literature" it enables you to simply ignore.
- .@kjhealy RU quoting from Harry Johnson (1971), “The Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counterrevolution”?
- @Econ_Marshall: .@delong referees the single vs. multiple macro equilibrium debate, IMO correctly. …
- @HeerJeet: @ryangrim Wait a minute, giving tens of thousands of armed men a reason to hate you wasn't a good idea? Isn't that hindsight?
- @ryangrim: Ivy is right: had Bush not fired tens of thousands of Iraqi troops and commanders, ISIS would likely not exist …
- .@davidfrum that GHWB policy of dual containment of Iran & Iraq amoral, but best we could do, & we broke it 2 everyone’s sorrow save Iran’s?
- @CitizenCohn: Turns out nobody discredits Sy Hersh more effectively than Sy Hersh -- MT interview w @IChotiner
- @ctcabin: .@fairvote Bob Dole being honored tonight @LCCR dinner "if you live in this country you ought to be able to vote"
- @JimPethokoukis: Why there may be plenty of slack left in the US labor market …
- If Republican Noise Machine Twitter were to be played upon the stage, I would condemn it as an implausible fiction…
- @hiltzikm: The dismal toll of anti-Obamacare fanaticism: Two horrifying vignettes
- .@brad_edmondson as you know, @mfcannon is pretending not to understand Sibellius. @GaryLegum @commiegirl1
- .@AdamPlatt1999 Clintons were always both innovation and inequality. Back in 1993: invest in high tech, make work pay
- .@JimPethokoukis don’t U mean that she is being more-quoted by the press saying one than saying the other? @John_Soriano_
- @BruceBartlett: Not from The Onion--76% of Rick Perry supporters think the US government is trying to take over state of Texas.
- @UOJim: Blown away by this @CoreyRobin essay on Hannah Arendt:
- .@commiegirl1 so @mfcannon says key flaw in ACA is that it allows people to listen to @mfcannon and do what he recommends? cc: @hiltzikm
- Must-Read: Notes on the Surrender at Menlo Park :
- Must-Read: Free Lunch: Below potential, But How Far? :
- Cosma Shalizi
- America the Boastful (1998):
- The Capital Myth: The Difference between Trade in Widgets and Dollars (1998):
- Lunatic Conspiracy Theories Aren't What They Used to Be :
- State Personal Income Tax Cuts: Still a Poor Strategy for Economic Growth :
- The Time I Spent On A Commercial Whaling Ship Totally Changed My Perspective On The World :
- Bruce Bartlett: “Utter Insanity and Stupidity” :
- Must-Read: President Obama on Color-Blind Policy and Color-Conscious Morality :
- Must-Read: Thomas Piketty to Investigate Inequality in New Role at LSE :
- Why Adam Posen Thinks Obama’s TPP Is Worth Passing :
- "Heaven knows that the internet hasn’t been stingy in its supply of discussion as to the legitimacy of the trigger warning. Everybody and his brother have an opinion about it, ranging from the New Republic to the NYT to the AAUP, each of whom have graced us with their cyber-statements. I wrote this because no where within this raging verbstorm can I find a convincing description of triggering, which (for me) is a physiological phenomenon. And I think it matters..." :
- Looks like Amanda Terkel and Sam Stein of Huffington Post just decimated the argument that Hillary Clinton isn't progressive enough..."
- "Perhaps liberal democracy has little to do with the balance of power among social groups and their strategic motivations. Maybe it requires instead, the development over time of a culture of tolerance and civil liberties. Or maybe both are needed to sustain institutions that uphold property, political, and civil rights in the long term..." :
- .@Grizzly_Stats @DeanBaker13 Thrasymakhos said justice was whatever the stronger said. He didn’t say truth was whatever the stronger said…
- "Bangladesh and Cambodia... are paying the full freight... 15 percent and up average tariffs.... If Vietnam were to get substantial new access to the US market, I think that could have potentially serious trade diversion implications..." :
- Bond Market Plunge Shows How Stability Can Breed Instability :
- "Shelby['s]... avoids nearly all the tough issues of legitimacy... seven-member commission is [not to]... touch questions raised by the archaic ownership structure of the Fed or... having nominally private companies making public-policy decisions... ignoring the bizarre and outdated governance of the system is a missed opportunity..." :
- "As a political movement we are in pathetic shape.... We not only have no capacity to move people who don’t already share our worldview, we seem to have no interest in doing so. Our stock arguments are lazy stacks of cliches.... Being clever doesn’t fix the world. Scoring points on Twitter doesn’t create justice..." :
- Must-Read: What explains rising wealth inequality? :
- Must-Read: Inflation Expectations and Recovery from the Depression in 1933 :
- Must-Read: Lawrence Summers (2011): A Conversation on New Economic Thinking
- Must-Must-Read: "Brookings did a symposium :
- Jason Kander for Missouri
- Student Loans and the Next Crisis :
- President Obama on How Fox News Teaches the Middle Class to Demonize the Poor :
- "The most important limit, the one we fought the Revolutionary War for, is that the people doing this to you are the people you elect...." :
- "The Greek government's mounting financial woes are leading it to contemplate the previously unthinkable: defaulting on a loan from the International Monetary Fund. Instead of demanding repayment and further austerity, the IMF should recognize its responsibility for the country's predicament and forgive much of the debt..." :
- Mailinator
- "It might, however, be what you’d expect in a market that is still pretty close to a high-unemployment equilibrium, but one that expresses the insufficiency of effective demand via underemployment rather than unemployment. If we were, that would explain why it is so difficult to reduce the deficit and why wages are so poor, and also why productivity is so poo..." :
- Must-Read: The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Threat To Global Health? :
- Nail salon workers aren’t the only ones who need protection from abusive workplaces - The Washington Post :
- "It's possible to summarize what [Tom] Friedman has to say fairly quickly... it's what you read in just about every ... Business Week. Information technology... has made the world a small place... richly rewards countries and societies that meet its needs... strong property rights, open minds, and a flexible attitude.... This story is told via hundreds of anecdotes, most of them involving the author.... [Friedman's] clear implication of his various parables and metaphors is that Japan is in trouble because it is hidebound and inefficient.... Yet, as Friedman himself points out, Japan's export sector remains world-class.... The immediate problem is not inadequate supply but inadequate demand. Put in a nutshell, the Japanese simply save too much; that is, although Friedman's only reference to Keynes is a disparaging one... Japan is in fact suffering the most classically Keynesian crisis since the 1930s. And the United States.... If the role-reversal between the United States and Japan has more to do with old-fashioned macro-economics than with the inexorable new logic of globalization, maybe the rules of the game haven't changed as much as Friedman thinks--and maybe, also, America's winning streak is not forever. Did somebody say 'bubble economy'?" (1999):
- Must-Read: How Do Net International Positions Matter? :
- Must-Read: Finally, war on Prop. 13 breaks out :
- Are the tracking forecasts of US GDP growth in the first half of 2015 really all between 0.3%/yr and 0.8%/yr?
- Face it: a parliamentary first-past-the-post system with national slates is just weird.
- @8Sarmad: @delong It seems like they went to Labour & Greens and Labour leaked voters to UKIP
- @RhysHobbs2: @8Sarmad @delong they went half Labour half Con, labour lost votes to SNP and UKIP
- .@RhysHobbs2 @8Sarmad But CON only went up from 37% to 38%. Where did CON leak votes to if they got 8% inflow from LDP?
- Six Economic Facts About Transportation Infrastructure in the United States :
- Must-Read: The Magnificent Five: Some Ridiculously Kind Words from Tren Griffin :
- Must-Read: Medicaid Expansion Is Producing Large Gains in Health Coverage and Saving States Money :
- Managing the Eurozone’s Fragility (2011):
- The Pain in Spain (2011):
- Macroeconomics: what is it good for? (2011):
- Yes, there is something very wrong with an @anneapplebaum who has to be prodded to remember that ,while Stalin and Molotov were key starters of WWII, the USSR was essential to ending it Prime Minister Winston Churchill (May 8, 1945): "To-day, perhaps, we shall think mostly of ourselves. To-morrow we shall pay a particular tribute to our Russian comrades, whose prowess in the field has been one of the grand contributions to the general victory." King-Emperor George VI (May 17, 1945): "We rejoice to acknowledge, and we shall never forget, the aid so freely and promptly given by the United States, and the brotherhood of our Armed Forces serving together in various theatres under combined commands. The splendid victories of the Soviet Union, and the courage of all those other Allies who suffered and fought with us in our common struggle against aggression, will ever be recorded in our hearts and in our history..." Was King-Emperior George VI lying when he said we would never forget? Is it not still the tomorrow that Prime Minister Winston Churchill said was reserved for us to pay particular tribute to our Russian comrades?
- bill_easterly: @R_Thaler says we are too dumb to fix our own mistakes but smart enough to fix everyone else's
- @R_Thaler: So tired of this claim. We say just the opposite often. You don't find the "look right" signs in London helpful? To be clear. Behavioral econ is about knowing human limitations and trying to help. We don't say people are dumb, just human. GPS anyone?
- .@R_Thaler I guess that @bill_easterly has not read the literature and so allow the rest of us to fix his mistake...
- Journalists should worry about the people policy hurts, not the politicians it helps :
- Must-Read: Mark Halperin’s cringey Ted Cruz interview is all part of the Halperin Primary :
- "The GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2015 was 0.8 percent on May 5, unchanged from May 1..." :
- Six Economic Facts About Transportation Infrastructure in the United States :
- Towards an Understanding of Market Processes: Individual Expectations, Learning, and Convergence to Rational Expectations Equilibrium (1982):
- How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics :
- Must-Read: Smart Social Programs :
- Must-Read: British Election: What Republicans Can Learn From David Cameron :
- Must-Read: More Momentum Behind L.A. Minimum Wage Hike :
- More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think - :
- "Bitcoin’s real promise... is... the underlying technology.... The blockchain will be valuable for many other things besides tracking payments..." :
- : UK 2015 Election Aftermath
- Must-Read: : David Brooks Endorses Nepotism
- @mikeloukides: Yes. Blockchain & ledger: Bitcoin a distraction The Most Valuable Aspect of Bitcoin: Its Versatile Ledger Technology
- @dsquareddigest: @mikeloukides @delong not even the blockchain. Shared ledger protocols are what's important. No real reason why it should be distributed
- .@dsquareddigest Was it Izabella Kaminska who said “distributed” is a way of getting others to pay your IT processing costs?
- @dsquareddigest: @delong @mikeloukides IMlimitedU, it's more about a pervasive worry by IT guys that someone might lose all their records & accounts
- @dsquareddigest: @delong @mikeloukides the best way to think about it in my view is by analogy with MIDI; huge win if everyone can agree on a standard
- Very true! —>RT “@pdjeliclark: Don't forget: Soviet Union saved world from Hitler” & lend-lease saved SU from Hitler
- @HuhWellwhatever: @delong @pdjeliclark Is it obvious that the Soviet Union was better than Hitler? Or fighting each other to a mutually weakening draw?
- YES! —> RT @HuhWellwhatever: “@delong @pdjeliclark Is it obvious that the Soviet Union was better than Hitler?”
- .@HuhWellwhatever Hitler wanted to exterminate population of Eastern Europe, fill land from the Oder to the Volga with Germans. Stalin did not want to exterminate population of Western Europe cc: @pdjeliclark
- @pdjeliclark: @delong how many folk throwin in their analysis on WWII & the Eastern front for next few hrs u think will bother to read the article?
- .@pdjeliclark 0.1%? The North Atlantic still owes an immense and largely unacknowledged debt to the tankers of the Red Army, the workers of Magnitogorsk who built their machines, and the peasants of the steppe who starved to feed the tankers...
- @flocktard: @delong @phoneranger @pdjeliclark Then there's that nasty Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Pact.
- Which has what to do with what we owe the tankers of Rotmistrov's 5th Guards Tank Army?
- .@ThusBloggedA @pdjeliclark “‘"Did not want to massacre billions’ is weak praise admittedly.” the bar for 20thC warlords is very low…
- @ChaseGu: the heavy lifting. Stalin was stupid enough to sign bad deal w/ Hitler...
- .@ChaseGu Kasserine Pass, Salerno, 6/44 Nmdy all near-run. US committed as many as soon as could wo/ big risk of losing army
- @pmarca: "Unemployment is still high, just look at labor force participation rate!" "In a healthy economy, both parents shouldn't have to work!"
- .@pmarca Meaning we should be happy if falling participation rate driven by rising wages making families able to afford more leisure and unhappy if falling participation rate driven by difficulties in finding jobs. Which it is.
- @PrinceJvstin why is the superpower “able to ruin SF” so widely distributed? There’s a story there…
- Fixed!—> @amylaitinen1: @kjhealy @delong @ryanavent Retract, renounce, and repent, blasphemer!
- @ebruenig: Another day, another Chopped episode, another person with a chronic illness who needs 10k bux to pay for their medical bills #America
- .@ebruenig But… ObamaCare…
- @Rex_Oper: @delong @ebruenig Cochrane has a point when he sees ObamaCare as demand priming with no concomitant supply side reform.
- .@Rex_Oper @ebruenig Market economists say: “if you demand it, it will come”—entrepreneurs place themselves between & match resources to demand. To complain about sending the right price signals is a very, very weird thing for an economist to do. I would call it intellectual malpractice. Consider how fast the ATT monopoly was disrupted...
- .@TomRedburn (1/2) It was 1 of Ur senior colleagues who said: “The prob is I learn more from Ezra Klein’s col than our national news staff”
- .@TomRedburn (2/2) NYT grossly inferior as trusted information intermediary 2 FT. Public triumphalism—WE’RE THE BEST!!—serves you very badly
- .@TomRedburn as I say, if NYT doesn’t put accuracy and fair presentation first, it will die. & it doesn’t.
- .@TomRedburn 10 years from now will U say: “Kristof IS a bad memory. But he is long gone”?
- Fixed!—> @kjhealy: @ryanavent In an era of OCF, it's nice to find examples, where the use of commas increases the chance of misreading.
- @davidfrum: Many Republicans mistrusted Mitt Romney's frequent policy shifts, but leading Ds are delighting in Hillary's
- .@davidfrum: If only Romney hadn’t abandoned RomneyCare, he could be taking a huge victory lap now, no? Difference is that Romney abandoned policies that looked like they worked, while HRC abandons those that looked like they did not. Big difference.
- .@davidfrum: Similarly with Bernanke: South Carolina Republican successfully manages the US economy an order of magnitude better than elsewhere in the north Atlantic. But congressmen and governors accuse him of treason, of working for Obama and not the country, threaten to lynch him, and read him out of the party. Any Republicans who backed Bernanke could be taking a huge victory lap now. But none did and none are.* @RichardKeppler1 @portraitinflesh @davidfrum May I say Romney was right? All money that flows into a corp winds up in some person’s hands
- @Reuters: Dogs, guns and weddings help U.S. investors take economy's pulse. Read more:
- How RU so alert this early in the morning? RT @dandrezner: But shotgun weddings for dogs are the uber-indicator.
- : "The IMF... may be full of economists, but it is ultimately run by politicians who may have too many ties to those in the Eurozone. But as Ashoka Mody says, the IMF’s credibility is at stake. It should... focus its efforts on getting the rest of the Troika to be realistic. Above all else, Greece must be helped out of its depression.... Sensible macroeconomists, including those at the IMF, know that makes sense. If Yanis Varoufakis could not achieve this, perhaps the economists at the IMF can do better..."
- Morning Must-Read: : The Wire Got It Backwards
- : How Much Finance Is Too Much: Stability, Growth & Emerging Markets
- Must-Read: : Here’s an Economic Agenda for Hillary Clinton
- : Modern Macroeconomic Methodology
- : The importance of addressing the U.S. racial and ethnic wealth gap
- : "At the top were places--Dupage County in suburban Chicago; Fairfax County, Va.--that dramatically improve a poor child's odds of moving up the economic ladder. At the bottom were the places that have the opposite effect, counties that exert a kind of negative pull on children, where every year of childhood whittles away at a poor kid's odds of thriving as an adult in a way that can be measured by his potential earnings in adulthood. Ranked last on this list: Baltimore City. 'Baltimore is at the bottom,' Hendren says. 'But it’s really at the bottom for boys.'"
- : The American poverty traps: what are the factors influencing upward mobility in the US?
- : Under pressure from Koch-funded groups, Kansas axes renewables mandate
- Lunchtime Must Read: Robert Lucas Rejects the "Microfoundational" Project
- Must-Read: : John Taylor's Cluelessness about Strategy, Tactics and Discretion
- : The Flames of the Tigers are lighting the Road to Berlin
- : "Books were a commodity... [and] exceptionally high-priced. The list price of a new book contained a 50 percent markup for the retailer.... Bezos--who a few years later would coin the famous phrase, ‘Your margin is my opportunity’--could sell books at a significant discount while still making money on each transaction.... Moreover, the nature of Amazon’s business... resulted in a negative cash conversion cycle that freed up much more cash for investment than would otherwise be warranted by Amazon’s margins, an effect that was greatly magnified by Amazon’s growth rate. This made books, over the long-run, a truly profitable business for Amazon..."
- : "But for all Ryan's rhetoric... he's also the author... budgets that would... inflict... massive human suffering on the nation's most vulnerable residents.... He's going to argue that taking trillions away from the poor is somehow actually good for them. It doesn't help that the first policy statement he makes is an out-and-out lie: 'After a 50-year war on poverty and trillions of dollars spent, we still have the same poverty rates'..."
- : When Bosses Recruit Employees into Politics
- : What the Debate on Inequality Is Missing
- Must-Read: : The Fall And Rise Of U.S. Inequality
- Phryne
- : "My white blood count is now up to 2.4... my ANC level is up to 2000.... So if you're sick and you sneeze on me, you are no longer likely to kill me. You'll just give me a cold.... I have months of recuperation ahead, and complete success won't be confirmed until a follow-up biopsy in 60 days. And then I have a difficult decision about whether I should enter maintenance therapy..."
- Must-Read: : Funds Aren’t Cutting Fees, Investors Are
- Must-Read: : The British economy after the coalition
- : Firm Balance Sheets and Unemployment in the Great Recession
- (1943): Looking Back On The Spanish War
- (1941): England Your England
- Must-Read:
: Americans Get Free Trade's Dark Side- Must-Read:
: Ideology Creators of the New Gilded Age-
: How an Astounding New Right-Wing Lie About the Economy Was Born-
: Who invented the piano? And why was he forgotten?-
: I’d Rather Like Men Than Be a Sad Puppy- Learning to Drive
: The Economics of Ferguson: Emerson Electric, Municipal Fines, Discriminatory Policing-
: One Week with the Apple Watch-
: When science fiction authors are no longer grounded in reality-
: Wonks Abandon an Economic Dream-
: 14 Questions for S.M. Stirling-
: "I recall hearing... that sometime after Ethan of Athos, Jim Baen told Lois she could write anything she wanted EXCEPT a sequel to 'San Francisco Planet'..."-
: "By the midpoint of the year, I was a staggering, raging wreck, filled with madness and raw cunning. I was a complete convert to the Law of the Jungle. Jim Baen had showed me that only ruthless sociopaths could expect to prosper in the world..."-
(2012): How an Astounding New Right-Wing Lie About the Economy Was Born-
: "Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) on Friday outlined a contingency plan for his state in case the Supreme Court guts ObamaCare. Wolf’s plan calls for Pennsylvania to set up its own insurance marketplace if the court rules against the Obama administration in the case King v. Burwell. The case could revoke subsidies that help 7.5 million people afford healthcare coverage..."-
: Civicist-
(D-MO): "I don't think that coming after working people is how you build an economy"-
: "I was curious as Apple products have been more than just up market gadgets to me... my access to the many things... those of us with deafblindness particularly struggle with.... I am severely deaf and have only a very small tunnel of vision in my right eye.... I decided to order the Apple Watch Sport 42mm (the bigger face size) with white strap so I’d not lose it quite so easily.... The default settings I have on my iPhone are set to large text and I was pleased to be able to have this on my Apple Watch. I also use Zoom large text set to the largest. The new setting ‘Prominent Haptic’ is perhaps my favourite in accessibility... definitely awesome for me as a deafblind person. So far for me the most useful App on the Apple Watch is Maps--on my iPhone I can plan my journey from one destination to another, for me it will be on foot with Unis my guidedog. This is where Haptics really come into its own--I can be directed without hearing or sight, but by a series of taps via the watch.... I am now very happy to own an Apple Watch and look forward to making it work well for me."-
: Kansas shows us what could happen if Republicans win in 2016-
: Elizabeth Warren is Not Impressed with Your Diamond-Encrusted Ring- Today's Must-Must-Read:
: There Is a Name for This-
: Altruistic punishment in humans- Must-Read:
: The role of consumption in economic inequality- Must-Read:
: Money, Banking and Financial Markets-
: What Detroit can teach us all-
: Is Cosmopolitan Communitarianism still Possible? Was it ever?- Must-Read:
: This Is Not A Trade Agreement : "The great sociologist William Julius Wilson argued long ago that widely-decried social changes... were actually caused by the disappearance of well-paying jobs in inner cities... [the] implicit prediction: if other racial groups were to face a similar loss of job opportunity, their behavior would change in similar ways.... There is no excuse for fatalism as we contemplate the evils of poverty in America. Shrugging your shoulders as you attribute it all to values is an act of malign neglect..."
- @DylanScott: 1) Nobody’s gonna buy this gross Obamacare. 2) Millions of people bought Obamacare because they were forced to! 3) We were never actually AGAINST Obamacare.4) We actually thought Obamacare up!
- @arindube: A well reasoned, thoughtful look at the data | Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Wage
- @grossdm: Consuming/investing behavior changed after Great Depression--and lasted decades. Not sure why people don't get same re: Lesser Depression
- .@ezraklein Brooklyn Bagels in Oakland, and where else?
- @BethCato: She hated the term "mad scientist." She wasn't mad. She was a calm, rational woman with a clone army. #TwitterFiction
- @joshtpm: ICYMI: How Biloxi, Miss Got Caught Up In The Obama Military Takeover Frenzy @TPM
- @rortybomb: Inequality has 4x effect on poverty than changes in family structure since 1979. -@eliselgould
- Jonathan Shorman: No rush. Keep paying legislators to dither. Kansans will get socked with huge tax increases in the end anyway.
- @HeerJeet: Interesting @chriscmooney article in intersection of religion, belief in evolution & climate denial: "Main driver of climate science rejection...appears to be a free market ideology — which is tough to characterize as religious in nature." That last sentence can, I think, be contested. In it's purer, libertarian form, "free market" thinking is a faith commitment. I mean, Mises & co. were very explicit that their agenda was based on a priori values, not subject to empirical tests. @steveniweiss
- @jdportes: This is true. But I wasn't "debating" @nfergus.I pointed out misuse of data in his FT piece which he should correct
- .@davidmwessel Why isn’t the message of the Fed minutes: “December rate hike doubtful”? What do they think they are doing in there?!
- @Econ_Marshall: Capital is abundant but profits are high. That's how we know finance isn't working.
- @Econ_Marshall: @paulmromer Well, I think you're being too kind to the mathiness of the past in some cases. I differ from your interpretation of Becker. My Ph.D. is from UChicago--meeting w/him convinced me to go; enjoyed Price Theory. Debated him on climate change. This sounds harsh, but my pithy statement about Becker is that most of what he said that's falsifiable is false.
- @Noahpinion: Soooooooooooo many fancy-sounding modern investment strategies are just bets on mean reversion.
@jdportes: So @sjwrenlewis & I are so obscure @nfergus has to tweet to say so. Self-awareness, like facts, not his strong point
@eliasisquith: I can no longer distinguish btwn a Frank Bruni column & a Letters to the Editor section of a midsize retirement community’s newspaper
- @Noahpinion: I must say, I like the Nozick libertarianism about 16 billion times better than the Rothbard libertarianism.
- @nick_bunker: @delong @Econ_Marshall my "iron self-control" seems to have only lasted 9 days
- Do tell: RT .@yeselson: “25 yrs ago, @Milbank wasn't interested in Marc Rich locking out… aluminum workers”
- @abgutman: As per usual, @Noahpinion nails is! After a long semester of grad macro, this article is like awesome fresh air.
- @D_Blanchflower: Mac for most of the last year MPC was worried about exploding wage settlements but failed to comment on the fact that they have slowed duh
- @PatrickIber: Was the revolutionary belief in the creation of a "New Man" the same thing as contempt for existing people? @nils_gilman: Why do secular liberation movements so often give way to religious counterrevolutions?
- @Econ_Marshall: So we've passed "robots are stealing our jobs!!" and made it to "universities can't guess what robots will do next!!"