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Liveblogging History: May 25, 1945: Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Rooseelt: My Day:

HYDE PARK, Thursday—I have a letter from the Veterans Administration informing me that the educational age limit in the GI Bill of Rights is not nearly as crippling as it might seem.

'Any veteran,' they write:

who meets the basic eligibility requirements, Title #2, Public #346, 78th Congress, in respect to length and character of active service may (without regard to his age at the time of his entrance into active service) pursue a refresher or re-training course for a period of time not in excess of one year, or the equivalent thereof of part-time study, or for such lesser time as may be required for completion of the course chosen by him.

It is only when the question of education or training for a period or periods in excess of one year arises that the age of the veteran, at the time of his entrance into active service, becomes an essential consideration. If a person who was over 25 when he entered active service is able to establish, by competent and acceptable evidence, that his education was impeded, delayed, interrupted or interfered with by reason of his entrance into active service, he may be entitled to the full educational benefits provided by this legislation.

I am very glad to make this clear because a number of veterans, I think, have not been sure as to the full extent of their rights. I still believe that to make education really valuable to the veterans, much more will have to be done by states and localities than has been done in the past. In that connection, a publication issued by the U. S. Office of Education in the Federal Security Agency, called 'Data for State-Wide Planning for Veterans Education,' by Ernest V. Hollis, principal specialist in higher education, will be valuable to the educational authorities who really want to do a good job. This pamphlet gives much information on the probable needs of men in the armed forces with reference to their level of education when they went into the service. It includes tables made with the aid of data furnished by the army on both officers and enlisted men.

The Veterans Administration also informs me that the national service life insurance, issued to men in the services on or before December 31, 1945 and not exchanged or converted prior to that date to a plan other than five year level premium term insurance, will be extended for an additional period of three years if proposed legislation is passed. The legislation has already been favorably reported out of the World War Veterans Committee of the House of Representatives.
