Noted for Your Afternoon Procrastination for May 19, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Must-Read: David Smith's gotcha quotes :
- John Nash: The Master of Economic Modeling (1995):
- Must-Read: Shifting Implications of the Beveridge Curve :
- Is finance doing what it’s supposed to? :
- What Caused Capitalism?: Reviewing Mokyr, Bickerts, Neal and Williamson :
- Three indicators that point to a sharp slowdown in China's economy :
- The High Cost of Expensive Townhouses :
- Fighting for History :
- Must-Read: Protecting the Norms of Science in Economics :
- (2008): [Chicago Fundamentalism: Ideology and Methodology in Economics]( freedman chicago fundamentalism google books&f=false)
- Must-Read: The 15 Best Behavioural Science Graphs of 2010-13 :
- Must-Read: Mediamacro Myth Makers Fight Back :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
And Over Here:
- Wisdom: Robert Shiller: The inference from the unpredictability to the rationality of stock prices is the most remarkable error in the history of economic thought...
- : Liveblogging World War I: May 19, 1915: Gallipoli
- Comment of the Day: Sam on John Ringo: 'My biggest gripe about all of this is that Ringo...
- Must-Read: Zandar: The Rough Beast Perambulates: 'The funny thing about making monsters is that...
- Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth
- Across the Wide Missouri: Ceasefire Oregon: 'Congratulations and thank you!!...
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Duke Professor "Blacks at Duke should look at Mike Krzyzewski. All of his life he had terrible Polish jokes thrown at him, far worse that anything than that could be said about blacks in recent decades. The 'n' word is nothing in comparison to those jokes. If any students think that Polish Americans were not heavily discriminated against, they are fools.... [But] he went ahead and did his job. He became the opposite of the Polish stereotype-the brightest of the bright, the most disciplined, the hardest working and the classiest, the most determined to achieve. As a result, even more than Senator Ed Muskie and National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezinski, he has done more than any other person in American history to bury the decades of stereotypes about Polish Americans..." (2001):
- 500 Miles
- Why I’m Still Wearing My Apple Watch :