Noted for Your Lunchtime Procrastination for May 29, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Preliminary Notes on Inequality and Urbanism :
- Why Are There So Many Shuttered Storefronts in the West Village? :
- Must-Read: David Brooks is not on a Path of Upward Intellectual Mobility :
- Must-Read: Poisoning the Well, or How Economic Theory Damages Moral Imagination :
- Must-Read: The Quiet Revolution :
- Must-Read: The Most Misleading Definition in Economics (Draft Excerpt from Economics in Two Lessons) :
- Must-Read: Democracy Journal: Arguments: Arthur Brooks and the Desperate Search for a Smarter Conservatism :
- Must-Read: Vox Acquires Recode; Stars, Money, and Reach; The Apple Car and Jony Ive - Stratechery :
- Government Austerity Exacts Toll on U.S. Jobs, Wages and Growth :
- Must-Read: 2015 Is Crushing It for Hottest Year on Record :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
- Why Is the U.S. Economy Still Depressed?: The Arithmetic
- Austerity, Recovery, and Macroeconomic Analysis: In Which I Refuse to Write the Column the Honchos of Project Syndicate Wish Me To
- Refereeing Mantoux-Keynes on the Treaty of Versailles
- Research Questions: Money Incomes and Societal Well-Being
- More on Ben Bernanke vs. John Taylor: In Which I Give Up
And Over Here:
- Live from the Glaswegian Mists: Ken Macleod: Ralph Miliband (Pére): "[Miliband pére's] essays are hard-headed, sober, nuanced...
- Yes, Google Has Created Reputation Problems for Itself. Why Do You Ask?
- Liveblogging World War II: May 29, 1945: Henry Stimson
- Liveblogging World War I: May 28, 1915: The Lusitania
- : The Indictment of Dennis Hastert
- Must-Read: Ben Thompson: Vox Acquires Recode; Stars, Money, and Reach; The Apple Car and Jony Ive
-'s Latest Step Toward World Domination: Embeddable Card Stacks
- Comment of the Day: Peter T.: Regional Economics and Living Standards: Portland OR vs. Kansas City MO/KS
- Live from Strada at Bancroft and College: Last year's journamalism: Michael Barone: How ObamaCare Misreads America
- Schroedinger's Universe?
- Liveblogging World War II: May 27, 1945: Diary of Chick Bruns
Might Like to Be Aware of: