Ah. So Medium Is Getting Into the TInyletter Business...
Over at Medium Letters: Ah. So Medium http://medium.com is getting into the Tinyletter http://tinyletter.com business, as well as or in addition to or as part of its core mission, whatever its core mission is going to turn out to be.
I like this. I like the fact that very good programmers and designers are focusing on ease-of-writing, reader-experience, and the social dynamics of aggregation. I like the fact that they are trying to turn the Medium platform--is it a platform?--into a thing, or some thing, or something. READ MOAR
Of course, the fact that here they (and Tinyletter) are essentially reinventing the wheel that was Blogger, RSS, and Google Reader is ironic. And depressing. And it is still not clear to me what Medium is ultimately going to wind up being for. And maybe if I truly got Facebook http://Facebook.com I would not feel as though Medium had a place at all...
My feeling is that what Medium is aiming at is to accomplish the vision of Vannevar Bush: hypertext done properly, in a way so that the community dynamics and the financial dynamics work, and reinforce the good parts of many-to-many hypertext rather than the bad parts, and avoiding the tearing-itself-apart in the many, many different ways we have seen over the past two decades.
So if you have not been paying attention to me over the past month, what have I been writing that you might want to read?
Here Are Fifteen Things That Are Popular:
Macroeconomics, macroeconomic thought, and political economy:
- DRAFT For “Rethinking Macroeconomics” Conference Fiscal Policy Panel https://medium.com/bull-market/draft-for-rethinking-macroeconomics-conference-fiscal-policy-panel-1a2cfaea1d40
- An Even More Dismal Science: The Evolution of Macroeconomic Ideas since 1990 https://medium.com/bull-market/an-even-more-dismal-science-the-evolution-of-macroeconomic-ideas-since-1990-3b676ab010c4
- Just What Is John Taylor Thinking? https://medium.com/fixing-economics/just-what-is-john-taylor-thinking-2b7a238b0c61
- Paul Krugman Was Right. I, Ken Rogoff, Marty Feldstein, and Many, Many Others Were Wrong https://medium.com/understanding-the-lesser-depression/brad-delong-s-grasping-reality-1c825b1a0629
- “Neoliberalisms”, Left and Right https://medium.com/bull-market/brad-delong-s-grasping-reality-53b7cd1b9cdc
Political media criticism:
- Ezra Klein of Vox.com vs. Tom Standage of The Economist https://medium.com/brad-delong-s-newsletter/ezra-klein-of-vox-com-vs-tom-standage-of-the-economist-8084feea7ce9
- Why Don’t New York Times Writers Possess Any Awareness of Their Presentation-of-Self? https://medium.com/@delong/why-don-t-new-york-times-writers-possess-any-awareness-of-their-presentation-of-self-135a08f5e72b
Game of Thrones:
- People: ‘Game of Thrones’ Is Horror! https://medium.com/brad-delong-s-newsletter/live-from-la-farine-game-of-thrones-blogging-c12d4c4dadab
- Why I Find Myself Dissatisfied with “Game of Thrones” as Narrative https://medium.com/brad-delong-s-newsletter/why-i-find-myself-dissatisfied-with-game-of-thrones-as-narrative-b4f743587e92
Navel gazing:
- How Did I Get into the Weblogging Business? https://medium.com/brad-delong-s-newsletter/how-did-i-get-into-the-weblogging-business-c8d900f17645
And things I have pointed to:
- Charles Steindel: Comment of the Day: Why the Hegemony of the New-Keynesian Model? https://medium.com/fixing-economics/comment-of-the-day-charles-steindel-why-the-hegemony-of-the-new-keynesian-model-thank-you-for-57fc6b9569ed | Comment of the Day: Olivier Blanchard on Rethinking Macroeconomics III https://medium.com/@delong/comment-of-the-day-charles-steindel-olivier-blanchard-on-rethinking-macroeconomics-iii-olivier-2618fdd0252f
- Robert A. Heinlein: Letter for F.M. Busby on Freedom and Race Relations https://medium.com/@delong/weekend-reading-robert-a-heinlein-letter-for-f-m-busby-on-freedom-and-race-relations-127e20c16016
- Ezra Klein: Our Broken — and Getting Worse — Washington DC Press Corps https://medium.com/@delong/ezra-klein-on-our-broken-and-getting-worse-washington-dc-press-corps-356658ffb208
- Michael Peppard: The Most Remarkable Brooksian David Brooks Error Ever https://medium.com/@delong/hoisted-from-others-archives-the-most-remarkable-david-brooks-error-ever-b862e9276195
- Paul Krugman: The Worst Ex-Fed Chairman Ever https://medium.com/@delong/in-the-shadow-of-the-grand-tetons-paul-krugman-the-worst-ex-fed-chairman-ever-now-i-have-in-my-7dcb2ca4f10b
- Simon Wren-Lewis (2012): Dangerous Voices and Macroeconomic Spin https://medium.com/@delong/brad-delong-s-grasping-reality-fabe93559119
Obviously, Game of Thrones is popular, as are navel-gazing, macroeconomics, Ezra Klein and Vox.com http://vox.com, the idiocies of the New York Times, and Charles Steindel. In fact, Charles should clearly get a weblog, and become a Yellen- and Bernanke-watcher…