Bonus Extra Monday Smackdown: Doesn't Anybody at the New York Times or in the Jeb Bush Campaign Know What Pickett's Charge Was?
Jeb Bush: I want to send a message that my campaign is like a disastrous and profoundly stupid attack that costs three casualties for every one inflicted:
Jeb Bush Works to Recover From a Shaky Start: "Mr. Diaz... [who] seared John Kerry in 2004 and Mr. Romney in 2007...
:...and other Bush aides are determined to develop new lines of attack against... Rubio... and... Walker.... By hiring Mr. Diaz, Mr. Bush wanted to send a clear signal that:
the culture of the Bush operation will now be a Pickett’s Charge engagement campaign with his main opponents
according to one Bush ally. It is a far cry from campaigning ‘joyfully,’ as he mused about doing last year...
Indeed it is a far cry from campaigning "joyfully".
As George Pickett said of Robert E. Lee--the general who ordered the charge--"That man destroyed my division!"