Comment of the Day: What About Today's Republican Party?: "the idler said... 'We face the very strange combination of...
:...a Republican Party that's increasingly dedicated to protecting inherited wealth on the one hand, and to placating people who fear Jade Helm on the other...'
Texas To Build Very Own Gold Stash Inside Giant 20-Acre Mattress:
Gov. Greg Abbott proudly signed a bill Friday that will establish the state’s own version of Scrooge McDuck’s giant vault, only with no swimming in cold coins allowed (except maybe for top-tier campaign donors). In a statement, Abbott announced that the legislation would ‘repatriate $1 billion of gold bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York to Texas’ and that this would be the bestest thing ever for the financial security of the state:..
Also, too, the new depository will allow citizens to deposit and write checks against their own supplies of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium, so they won’t have to rely on filthy Federal Reserve greenbacks — ‘or ‘Yankee dollars’ as one of the law’s top supporters calls them.’ Also:
[I]n case the Fed or Obama wants to confiscate Texas’s gold, nice try Fed and Obama! In keeping with this suspicion of the Fed and Washington, the new law also explicitly declares that no ‘governmental or quasi-governmental authority other than an authority of [Texas]’ will be allowed to confiscate or freeze an account inside the depository...
The gold depository grew from the mighty mind of tea-party backed state Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, who knew exactly what his constituents wanted and needed: a safe place for all the gold they’d bought from Glenn Beck, and a hedge against Federal Tyranny...