Across the Wide Missouri: Debating, on Bloomberg, a guy who had subpoenad a dead woman to appear in his committee hearing room was... creepy. Highly creepy:
Thomas M. Davis: "The Terri Schiavo case. The committee subpoena...
:...signed by Davis, ordered the appearance of Schiavo, her husband, Michael, and her doctors. The subpoenas specified that the witnesses bring to the hearing:
all medical and other equipment that provides nutrition and its current and continuing state of operations.
Davis issued a joint statement with House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois) that stated:
This inquiry should give hope to Terri, her parents and friends, and the millions of people throughout the world who are praying for her safety. This fight is not over.
Many legal scholars criticized this action as an inappropriate congressional intervention in an ongoing court case that defied the rule of law and amounted to a bill of attainder—not against the party the politicians are attempting to aid, but against the party on the other side of the courtroom.