(Late) Extra Monday Smackdown: No, Rich Lowry and National Review Do Not Think They Are Talking to Any African-Americans. Why Do You Ask?

Rich Lowry: Yet More on the Confederate Battle Flag: "If anyone banging on about the Confederacy at the moment on Twitter...

...were born in the 1840s in the South, outside of a few select areas, they, too, would have fought for the Confederacy. That should lend a measure of modesty to this debate.


Rich Lowry: Yet More on the Confederate Battle Flag: "If anyone banging on about the Confederacy at the moment on Twitter...

...were born in the 1840s in the South, outside of a few select areas, they, too, would have fought for the Confederacy. (UPDATE: It should go without saying that this isn’t true of blacks.) That should lend a measure of modesty to this debate.

Why should it go without saying?
