Noted for Your Afternoon Procrastination for June 30, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- A Primer on the Greek Crisis :
- The Awesome Gratuitousness of the Greek Crisis :
- Paul Krugman: "In 2007, Greece... public debt[/GDP]... [was] slightly more than 100% of GDP... the fiscal gap was around 3[%-]points.... How did this turn into a catastrophe... debt soar to 170 percent of GDP despite savage austerity?... If Europe as currently organized can turn medium-sized fiscal failings into this kind of nightmare, the system is fundamentally unworkable."
- "If the end of employment-as-usual is coming, the change hasn’t started showing up yet..." :
- Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent :
- Chief Justice Roberts's Current Thinking :
- Why I'm Leaving London :
- The Left-Right Coalition Against the ACA :
- The euro was a big mistake, and Greece is paying the price :
- Must-Read: Why Is The University Still Here? :
- Must-Read: The Hard Work of Taking Apart Post-Work Fantasy :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
- A Problem in Need of Attention: Assessing the Great 21st Century American Housing Bust
- The "Hangover Theory" of the 2008-2009 Crash Fails Because of Timing
- Must-Read: Ian Millhiser: Chief Justice Roberts's Current Thinking
- Must-Read: Timothy B. Lee: The euro was a big mistake, and Greece is paying the price
- Must-Read: Danny Crichton: Why Is The University Still Here?
- Must-Read: Mike Konczal: The Hard Work of Taking Apart Post-Work Fantasy
- Must-Read: Paul Krugman: The Awesome Gratuitousness of the Greek Crisis
- Patience is a virtue when it comes to U.S. interest rates :
- Is China the most worrisome debt crisis today? :
And Over Here:
- I Visit Right-Wing Websites...
- Hoisted from the Archives from Eighteen Years ago: Friedrich A. von Hayek
- Across the Wide Missouri: Matthew Yglesias: Bill Kristol just made the world's least compelling slippery slope argument...
- Comment of the Day: Charles Steindel: State-Level Fiscal Policy: 'Well, yes, taxes aren't the largest factor in location decisions...
- David Glasner: [Murray] Rothbard’s selective quotation from the memorandum summarizing Strong’s 1928 conversation...
- Liveblogging History: June 30, 1187: Hattin
- Monday Austrian-Economists Smackdown: The "Hangover Theory" of the 2008-2009 Crash Fails Because of Timing
- Live from Evans Hall: Back from my east coast swing to find books waiting for me
- Liveblogging the American Revolution: June 29, 1777: John Adams to Abigail Adams
- For the Weekend: Vienna Teng: City Hall
- Across the Wide Missouri: William Jordan: @WilliamJordann: How far the the country has come in a week, in National Review Online headlines...
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Philanthropy for Hackers :
- Lois McMaster Bujold Interview :
- "In one more big 5-4 decision, SCOTUS... upheld... independent redistricting commissions for purposes of drawing U.S. House districts in... Arizona, where the decision to cut the state legislature out of the congressional mapping business was made by ballot initiative..." :
- I used to lead tours at a plantation. You won’t believe the questions I got about slavery :
- The Future of Transportation: Autonomous Vehicles; Telepresence Robots & Virtual Worlds; Hyperloop; Point-to-Point Aerial Transport :