Noted for Your Morning Procrastination for June 23, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Behavioral Finance Q&A :
- Must-Read: What Caused the Financial Crisis? The Big Lie Goes Viral (2011):
- Must-Read: Don’t Sweat the Debt If Fiscal Space Is Ample :
- Behavioral Finance Curriculum--What Topics and Teaching Approaches to Utilize in a Course? :
- Must-Read: VoxEU Told You So: Greek Crisis Columns since 2009 :
- Must-Read: Greece, The Euro and Gunboat Diplomacy :
- "New CBO report starts by saying long-term budget picture has worsened but data in report clearly show the opposite:" :
- Who Is a Corporation Supposed to Serve? :
- Greek Debt Crisis the Iraq War of Finance :
- Correcting CBO and touting some fiscal oxygen :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
- Why Small Booms Can Cause Big Busts
- Stimulus or Stymied?: The Macroeconomics of Recessions (January 2013): The Honest Broker
And Over Here: