Live from Jackson Hole: FAQ on my resignation from Northwestern University_: "In short, I can’t work at a medical school...
: *...where my dean [Eric G. Neilson] is allowed to censor the work of his faculty in the name of the hospital brand’s welfare. See my letter of resignation for details. For more background, you can see this blog post about what happened to our medical school to turn my work into a ‘branding’ problem...
Seems to me that there ought to be a resignation of a dean from Northwestern tomorrow, no? And if not that, there ought to be a firing of Medical School Dean Eric G. Nielsen by Northwestern President Morton O. Schapiro on Friday, no?
And if not that, there ought to be an emergency meeting of Northwestern University Board of Trustees on Monday, no? My grandfather was proud that he had been a professor at a university with the academic and intellectual tradition of Northwestern. I do not think he would be proud today...