Noted for Your Afternoon Procrastination for August 12, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small: The Transformation of the State Sector in China :
- Charles Plosser, FOMC Member, the “rates will have to go up sooner rather than later” guy :
- Must-Read: The Promise and Peril of Macroprudential Policy :
- Prime-Age Employment-to-Population Ratio Remains Terribly Depressed :
- Must-Read: Testing Time for Spreadsheets :
- Up and down, left and right :
- The Fiscal Union of Fear :
- Loss of Precision with IV :
- Must-Read: Agglomeration Economies and Productivity Growth: U.S. Cities, 1880-1930 :
- Must-Read:Who Needs a Fracking Education?: The Educational Response to Low-Skill Biased Technological Change :
- Interest Rate Control as Beta-Bank Gold-Exchange Standard Anachronism :
- Yes, We Have “No Irish Need Apply”: Rebecca Fried Over Richard Jensen, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
- What might make monetary policy more effective in the future? :
- Why I Try Not to Blather About China: My Visualization of the Cosmic All Is Incomplete
- Today's Economic History: Alfred and Mary Marshall on Debt Deflation
And Over Here:
- Today's Economic History: 'I Have Since Heard of His Death'--Frederick Douglass on One of His Slavemasters
- Comment of the Day: The Idler: Lehman Brothers Once Again...: 'Fed transcripts: Bernanke chose to let Lehman fail...
- Liveblogging World War II: August 12, 1945: Surrender of Japan
- Vox Card Stacks: How Useful, and in What Contexts?
- Comment of the Day: Philip Wallach: Federal Reserve ad Hocracy, Precedent, and Legal Realism: In the Inbox
- Live from Bullwinkle Plaza: It is quite an accomplishment to both be (a) the worst economic forecaster among your peers, and yet (b) engage in no public reflection and discussion.... Charles Plosser has managed...
- Live from Bullwinkle Plaza: Looks like Matt Yglesias and Paul Krugman nailed it a year ago, doesn't it?
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- She Walks in Shadows Re-Imagines H.P. Lovecraft’s Works From the Female Perspective
- Fox News fought the Trump and the Trump won; Fox News fought the Trump and the Trump won... :