Live from Heirloom Hearth and Bakery: The Kansas Republican Party's omerta is holding in at least one dimension: nobody is admitting whether they understood the magnitude by which Brownback and his acolytes were conning the legislature, or whether they are themselves among the victims of the con.
The good citizens and politicians of Johnson County, KS are holding themselves harmless in this ongoing public-finance disaster via social democracy in one county. The net effect thus appears to be a substantial redistribution of wealth to Johnson County (and to the rich of Wichita) via income-tax cuts and away from the rest of Kansas, with the redistributional leak being about 2/3: the value of the extra private income to Overland Park looks to me to be about 1/3 the harm done by cutting back public services that have a very high benefit-cost ratio elsewhere in Kansas.
In the long-run this may be bad even for Johnson County's upper middle class. Spring and Cerner have global reach in their sales--and they employ 45,000 people in Greater Kansas City via exports, and so enable some 600,000 people to live relatively well for the southwestern Midwest in Greater Kansas City. But to support Greater Kansas City's 2,000,000 requires another 100,000 export jobs as well, half of them to the mixed Missouri terrain to the east and half of them to the Kansas prairie to the west.
And if the Kansas prairies lose the skills and the population to themselves make a good living, the money to pay for trips to Nebraska Furniture Mart, procedures at KU Med, and Chiefs tickets will vanish:
David Atkins: Sam Brownback’s Kansas Disaster is Getting Even Worse: "Reasonable people can come to different moral value judgments...