Liveblogging the Cold War: September 22, 1945: Harry S. Truman to Bess W. Truman

Letter from Harry S. Truman to Bess W. Truman, September 22, 1945:

The White House September 22, 1945

Dear Bess:

I guess Margie has writers cramp all right. But yesterday was a good day because I had a letter from you and a conversation in the evening. You sounded good and I'm glad you are enjoying yourselves. Wish I could be there too.

Have had a most strenuous week but feel all right. It will be necessary for me to take action on the strike situation very soon. I shall give 'em the grin verbally and literally if they force me to.

Pinned a medal on Stimson yesterday. If anyone in the government was entitled to one it is that good man. He wept a little as did Wainwright when he received his. We then had a stormy Cabinet meeting discussing the atomic bomb. Lasted two hours and every phase of national and international politics was discussed. It was very helpful. I must send a message down on it soon.

The funny part of the meeting was that those on the right of me were 'Left' and the others on the left were 'Right.' Stimson, Acheson, Interior (Fortas for Ickes), Schwellenbach, Wallace, Hannegan, McNutt were arguing for free interchange of scientific knowledge, while Vinson, Clark, Forrestal, Anderson, Crowley were for secrecy. Anyway I'll have to make a decision and the 'Ayes' will have it even if I'm the only Aye. It is probably the most momentous one I'll make.

Love to you and Margie, hello to everybody. I'm off for Jefferson Island.

