Things to Read for Your Morning Procrastination on September 20, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Do economic crises reflect crises in economics? (2012):
- **Wall Street on the Tundra (2009):
- **Fairness, Reciprocity, and Wage Rigidity (2004):
- A Long, Long Way to Go :
- Weekend Reading :
- The economy was a no-show at GOP debate :
- Welcome to hell: Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web :
- Carly Fiorina Increased Hewlett-Packard’s Sales, but Not Its Profits :
- Oil Prices, Inflation Expectations, and Monetary Policy :
- Star Trek's Utopia is already here :
- Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (2004):
- California’s Upward-Mobility Machine--the University of California :
- Fantasies and Fictions at GOP Debate :
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog
And Over Here:
- Liveblogging 1066: September 20, 1066: Battle of Fulford
- Must-Read: James Bullard: A Long, Long Way to Go
- Weekend Reading: Ben Thompson: Popping the Publishing Bubble
- What Do You Think the Chances Are that Jeffrey M. Lacker Is Right in 2015?
- Liveblogging the American Revolution: September 19, 1777: John Burgoyne
- Liveblogging World War I: September 18, 1915: Muzzled!
- Liveblogging World War II: September 17, 1945: Corporal Park B. Fielder
- Liveblogging the American Revolution: September 16, 1777: Battle of the Clouds
- Liveblogging World War II: September 15, 1945: Returning POWs
- Live from the Roasterie: Prairie Weather: Seen This?
- For the Weekend...
- Preliminary Notes for Econ 1: Spring 2016: UC Berkeley
- Auxiliary Readings: Historical, Psychological, and Moral-Philosophical Context: Econ 1: Spring 2016: UC Berkeley
- Auxiliary Readings: From the Left: "No One Makes You Shop at Wal-Mart"...: Econ 1: Spring 2016: UC Berkeley
- Auxiliary Readings: From the Right: "Free to Choose"...: Econ 1: Spring 2016: UC Berkeley
- Any Real Dispute Over Carly Fiorina at HP?
- Must-Read: IMHO, Tim B. Lee gets this one very wrong indeed: Tim B. Lee: Carly Fiorina's Controversial Record as CEO, Explained
- Must-Read: Catherine Rampell: The economy was a no-show at GOP debate
- Must-Read: Josh Barro: Carly Fiorina Increased Hewlett-Packard’s Sales, but Not Its Profits
- Live from the Roasterie: Marco Arment: Introducing Peace, My Privacy-Focused iOS 9 Ad Blocker
- Live from the Roasterie: National Medicarism! I am sorry. Perhaps Mussolini in his day looked like this big a jackass to sane Italians, but I suspect not
- Live from the Roasterie: Jon Chait: GOP Candidates to Keep Us As Safe As Bush Did
- Live from the Eccles Building: Federal Reserve leaves rates unchanged...
- Live from the World Trade Center: I must say, the amount of evil bullshit spouted by members of the Bush clan is rapidly approaching a singularity: Matthew Yglesias: Jeb Bush is forgetting something important when he says his brother 'kept us safe'...
- Comment of the Day: Ajay: 'A colleague asked for advice on how to open a conversation with a chap she'd met through Tinder...
- Live from the Roasterie: Michael Grunwald: The 'Everything Is Bad' Party
- Must-Read: Felix Salmon: Star Trek's Utopia is already here
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- "Sean Wilentz, hack pundit.... Wilentz’s strategy here is to make a narrow claim... that is technically defensible but not actually responsive to Sanders’s point.... Why Wilentz continues to destroy his reputation to be Hillary Clinton’s op-ed enforcer is beyond me." :
- "The Amazon Lineup... is starting to fit together: Sell a tablet as cheaply as possible to get share of attention. Monetize the attention... towards apps with advertising and... towards video through...Prime Video. Watch as Prime expands Amazon’s share of wallet..." :
- Jeb Bush tweets picture of 9/11 aftermath to demonstrate how George W. Bush ‘kept us safe’ :
- Carly Fiorina's Controversial Record as CEO, Explained :
- The ad blocking controversy, explained :
- Carly Fiorina's Business Record Is at Least as Bad as Donald Trump's :
- Guest the Post! Ad Blockers: Great Thing, or the Greatest Thing? :
- Politico Willing Trump To Vanish.... [the] ‘new’ data... comes from a prediction market. Seriously[:]... 'hour-by-hour data provided by Predictwise... :
- A Question About the Future of the World Wide Web :
- U-1206's' crew scuttled the German vessel after a potty mishap :