Links for the Week of October 19, 2015
- Republicans' 11-Hour Gift to Hillary Clinton: "The Republicans wanted Hillary Clinton's head mounted on a wall, and they'll get it. At this rate... it will... come in the form of her official presidential photo..." :
- "The gist of the three cases is that tax haven subsidiaries of each company (Starbucks in the Netherlands, Fiat in Luxembourg, and Apple in Ireland) were given advance tax rulings by each country that [the EU judged] were so removed from economic reality as to constitute illegal subsidies ('state aid' in Euro-speak) under EU competition law..." :
- "Inflation-targeting central banks, like the ECB, de facto target the output gap, but timidly and without explicitly saying so. This leads to low reactivity and opaque communication.... Those who followed the EMU policy debate in the past few years will know what I am talking about.... [at] the Fed the opacity results from an ongoing debate on how to best attain an objective that is clear and shared.... The ECB opacity is intrinsically linked to the confusion between its mandate and its actual action, and as such it cannot lead to any meaningful discussion, but just to legalistic disputes..." :
- Martin Sandbu: "In response to Federal Reserve vice-chairman Stanley Fischer’s latest speech, Brad DeLong succinctly explains why the challenge of reducing interest rates below zero means central banks should optimally aim to stay behind the curve rather than ahead of it--that is to say, better tighten too late than too soon..."
- "It’s also worth noting the difference in perspective that comes from having your original intellectual home in international versus domestic macroeconomics. I would say that Brainard’s experience is dominated not so much by the Great Moderation as by the Asian financial crisis and Japan’s stagnation; internationally oriented macro types were aware earlier than most that Depression-type issues never went away..." :
- Causes and Consequences of Persistently Low Interest Rates :
- The Real Effect of Citizens United on the GOP :
- Maybe there won't be an interest rate hike this year after all :
- Low for Long?: Causes and Consequences of Persistently Low Interest Rates :
- Noah Smith Eats Greg Mankiw's Just Desserts | : I get what you get in ten years, in two days
- What the right doesn't get about Piketty :
- Bernanke: I’m not really a Republican anymore :
- This Man Failed a Paternity Test Due to His Vanished Twin’s DNA :
- Scam They Am :
- Angus Deaton, Nobel Laureate :
- Keynes Comes to Canada :
- US film of parachuting beavers found after 65 years (it's OK, they survived) :
- Lunch with the FT: Ben Bernanke :
- A Year of Books :
- The South Pacific Secret to Breaking the Poverty Cycle :
- How to Write an Essay About Teaching that Will Not Be Published in the NYT, Chronicle, IHE, or Anywhere Else :
- Fed Struggles With The High Water Mark :
- The Myth of Welfare’s Corrupting Influence on the Poor :
- Debt Déjà Vu :
- Nelson, Trafalgar, and the Meaning of Victory :
- Dirty Rant About The Human Brain Project :
- Advocacy and Objectivity: A Crisis in the Professionalization of American Social Science, 1865-1905 (1975):
- The math on staying below 2°C of global warming looks increasingly brutal :
- Economics was Once Radical: Then It Decided Not to Be :
- Rethinking Japan :
- A look at U.S. tax rates at the top :
- The Lofty Promise and Humble Reality of International Trade :
- Nightly Routines and How To Sleep Hack your way to a Productive Morning **:
- Nutcases and Knut Cases :
- Trotsky eBook Collection :
- Development Projects Observed :
- Boeing 367-80 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- La Chanson de Roland
- Geoffrey Marcy: The Long Con :
- Berkeley Department Head Gibor Basri Sends Misguided Letter to Staff About Serial Harasser Geoff Marcy :
- UC Berkeley Astronomy Professor Geoffrey Marcy Violated Sexual Harassment Policies :
- The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, with "The Resumption of History in the New Century" (1960):
- Eric Foner :
- GDP Tracking :
- Evolution of the International Economic Order (1978):
- Too Early to Think About a Rate Rise :
- Europe's Orphan: The Future of the Euro and the Politics of Debt :
- "Charlie Stross has a good time complaining about the poor script-writing for the 21st century..." :
- The Long Winter :
- The Last Generation of the Roman Republic :
- Socialism with Chinese Characteristics :