Live from the Roasterie: More Like AlderGONE!: "Have you ever wanted to look inside the neocon mind?...
:...I mean, really look at it? No, of course you haven't. Too bad:
@BillKristol: .@adesnik @DouthatNYT No objective evidence Empire was "evil." A liberal regime w meritocracy, upward mobility. Neocon/reformicon in spirit.
Other than blowing up an entire planet to torture a prisoner/deter other planets, the Empire was pretty moderate. Posted by: Moby Hick....
Oh my fucking god. He then linked to a 2002 Weekly Standard post saying: "It would be reasonable to suspect that Alderaan is a front for Rebel activity or at least home to many more spies and insurgents like Leia.... The Empire is not committing random acts of terror. It is engaged in a fight for the survival of its regime against a violent group of rebels who are committed to its destruction." Posted by: Minivet
The Empire didn't seem particularly meritocratic, though. Wasn't the entire officer class filled with incompetent upper-class Brits? Posted by: Roberto Tigre....
So, metaphoring the metaphor, he'd be totally cool if we nuked Iraq and Syria to get rid of ISIS. Posted by: dalriata....
Either way, it makes more sense than the leader of Israel trying let Hitler off the hook. Posted by: Moby Hick
I love it how the Germans have responded with "uh, no, seriously, it was definitely us." Say what you will about Angela Merkel but it's nice to see an objectively sane political culture once in a while. Posted by: Roberto Tigre...