Must-Read: The GOP Circus: Truth-Defying Feats: "By Rick Perlstein:...
:...Step right up! Be amazed, be enchanted, by the magic GOP unicorn-and-rainbow-producing tax cut machine! It takes a lot of energy to sustain a lie. When enough people do it together, over a sustained period of time, it wears on them. It also produces a certain kind of culture: one cut loose from the norms of fair conduct and trust that any organization requires in order to survive as something more than a daily, no-holds-barred war of all against all. A battle royale. A circus, if you prefer. And the act in the center ring? The Amazing Death Spiral. One performer does something so outrageous that anyone else who wishes to further hold the audience’s attention has to match or top it––even if they know it’s insane.... That’s what poor old John Kasich did. Hear him cry about his:
great concern that we are on the verge, perhaps, of picking someone who cannot do this job. I’ve watched people say that we should dismantle Medicare and Medicaid.... I’ve heard them talking about deporting 10 or 11 [million] people from this country.... I’ve heard about tax schemes that don’t add up.’
And what happened to him? Read the snap poll from Gravis research. Only 3 percent of Republicans thought he won the debate....
David Brooks says not to worry if candidates are lying about their economic plans, they are just exaggerating to make themselves more attractive to conservative voters.... Paul Krugman is, shall we say, unconvinced....
'What matters is how a candidate signals priorities.' Yes, and the priority seems to be lying is okay to get what you want. That's a great trait to have in a president who might fact the decision to send our kids to die in a war he or she wants. Oh wait."