Live from Evans Hall: Some of us think that the GOP as we knew it ended when it lost its soul back in 1964, with the Goldwater nomination and its abandonment of its long and honorable commitment to full incorporation of African-Americans as equal citizens:
- The Party Divides: A Trump nomination would be the end of the GOP as we know it :
- A Trump win would validate liberals' caricature of Republicans :
- The unwinding storm?: "I hope they are headed to a cleansing catastrophe. I hope that this is their rock bottom, and we are living through the last chapter of this [Goldwater] story and not the first chapter of another..." :
- I am a Muslim. But Trump’s views appall me because I am an American :
- Things Done Changed: "The Republican base... [is] insane.... You wouldn’t know that from reading establishment media.... A million on the right demanding to see the kerning on Obama’s birth certificate are cancelled out by a guy in Marin who writes his Congressmen about talking to trees..." :
- Why Donald Trump Terrifies Republicans: "But by stitching together all the performative qualities Republicans have nurtured on the right over the years—pomp and property worship, xenophobia and anti-establishmentarianism—he’s also showing us what it takes to stir the passions of these missing white voters. Most Republicans, quite sensibly, are horrified by what they see. In years past, Republicans didn’t think of Trumpism as a liability so long as Trump was outside the tent pissing further out..." :