Live from the Roasterie: If I were the Regents of the University of Iowa, I would terminate the new president's contract immediately for cause. Just saying:
University of Iowa President Sorry for Saying Unready Teachers Should Be Shot: "IOWA CITY (AP) — The University of Iowa's new president has apologized to an employee...
**:...who chastised him for saying publicly that instructors who aren't ready to teach their classes should be shot. Bruce Harreld told librarian Lisa Gardinier in an email that his statement to the UI Staff Council last week was 'an unfortunate off-the-cuff remark.' He said he didn't mean to offend anyone or imply that he supports gun violence. 'Frankly, I have used the comment in many, many forums and this is the first time anyone has objected to it. I apologize and appreciate your calling my attention to it,' Harreld wrote...
WTF are the forums he has been going to where he has been saying people should be shot, and nobody has objected?