Live from the Roasterie: Relying on the health-care market and fee-for-service Medicaid leaves enormous gaps in our ability to deliver the right kind of health services to the population. Why we have not adopted more of a public-health model--why we did not use the need for stimulus in 2008-11 to adequately provide health services on a public-health model--was and is beyond me...
Global Health Grand Challenge: Enable Self-Testing for Cervical Cancer: "Like others of you, I read about developments in global public health...
:...and sometimes think about their domestic application. This challenge to 'enable self-testing for cervical cancer' in the developing world really caught my eye. We are a country steeped in the clinical medicine approach to cervical cancer screening.... [But] a public health approach is what appears to lift screening levelsĀ in the riskiest population and lower mortality.... Here, social and cultural barriers to the Pap Test are not insignificant... When you look at the cervical cancer death rates in the U.S. under the screens of race, ethnicity, and age you know we have our own 'Grand Challenge'...