Things to Read for Your Evening Procrastination on December 30, 2015
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog:
- The 10 most popular Value Added posts of 2015d :
- Today's Economic History: Did the Classical Liberals Believe in Constructive Statecraft?
- Today's Economic History: Writing Is (and Other Things Are) Not "Naturally" Human - Equitable Growth
- On Summers: My Views and the Fed’s Views on Secular Stagnation: "The Fed's job would have been, and will be a lot easier if fiscal policy makers would help. I disagree with Charles Plosser's view on monetary policy, but I have some sympathy for the view that many people have come to expect too much from monetary policy..." :
- Don't Blame "Uncertainty" for the Slow Recovery :
- Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement (2004):
- Global Sunspots and Asset Prices in a Monetary Economy :
- Seven Centuries of European Economic Growth and Decline: "Rather than being stagnant, pre-nineteenth century European economies experienced a great deal of change..." :: How rapidly would one anticipate that the Malthusian scissors would work, anyway? :
And Over Here:
- Must-Read: Mark Thoma: On Summers: My Views and the Fed’s Views on Secular Stagnation
- Over at Project Syndicate: Piketty vs. Piketty
- Musings on the Current Episteme of the Federal Reserve...
- Live from the Westin Portland Harborside: 'Give to me so that I don't disappoint my Dad George H.W. Bush 41 again with my campaign...' is a... rather unique fundraising pitch...
- Today's Economic History: Did the Classical Liberals Believe in Constructive Statecraft?
- Live from the Westin Harborside Portland: Jim Henley's Ire Is Roused by Politico...
- Must-Read: Noah Smith: Don't Blame 'Uncertainty' for the Slow Recovery
- Liveblogging History: December 30, 1066: Granada Massacre
- Must-Read: William Nordhaus (2004): Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement
- Live from La Farine: We haven't heard of 'Obama's Katrina' in quite a while, have we? Five recent things worth reading, or what Paul Krugman said...
- Today's Economic History: Writing Is (and Other Things Are) Not Naturally Human
- Must-Read: Roger Fouquet and Stephen Broadberry: Seven Centuries of European Economic Growth and Decline
- Must-Read: Dean Baker: The Upward Redistribution of Income: Are Rents the Story?
- The Archives: December 27-December 29, 2015
- Liveblogging World War I: December 29, 1915: The Ancona Case
- Liveblogging World War II: December 28, 1945: War Brides Act
- (Late) Monday Smackdown: Randall Kennedy's Reasonable Discourses About Policy Edition
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Cool Tools :
- Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch: “Mirror, Mirror” :
- Lyrics to "The Lady Is a Tramp" :
- 16 Mobile Theses :