Things to Read for Your Morning Procrastination on December 14, 2015
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog:
- : Mea Culpa: Confidence Proceedings Edition: I Really Do Think Dynamic Scoring Is a Bad Idea
- Musing on one's intellectual responsibilities...
- Today's economic history: Oliver Wendell Holmes in Lochner
- Inequality, technocracy, utility, and the Federal Reserve
- Weekend Reading* : A Safety Net for On-Demand Workers?: "With Los Angeles having approved a $15-an-hour minimum wage and with many Uber drivers netting considerably less than that per hour, why exactly shouldn’t drivers be covered—and protected—by minimum wage laws?" :
- Where Are the Power Relations in Piketty’s Capital?: "There seems to be a friction between the diagnosis... of the power of capital... and the suggested cure... [of] well-minded citizens... recogniz[ing] the... problem" :: The extremely-sharp Miriam Ronzoni excellently puts her finger on a substantial hole in Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century... :
- Ananya Roy: The Land Question: "The infrastructure problem, it turns out, is effectively a land problem..."
- Why Conspiracy Theories Flourish on the Right: "The most engaged conservative voters... won't trust conservative elites any more than they trust liberals, scientists, or the media..." :
- Why Education Does Not Fix Poverty: "To the extent that education does nothing to provide better income support for those who do find themselves in these vulnerable situations, its effect on overall poverty levels will always be weak, or, as with the US in the last 23 years, totally nonexistent..." :
- Why It's Tricky for Fed Officials to Talk Politically: "I think I disagree with Brad DeLong..." :: I would beg the highly-esteemed Mark Thoma to draw a distinction here between "inappropriate" and unwise... :
- Trumpism Is a Natural Consequence of the GOP Refusing to Moderate on Taxes or Immigration: "There has been no meaningful move to the center on economics, and--as predicted--the results are ugly..." :: "[Republicanism] is almost like you are in a are not leaving your religion... :
- Digital Dopamine: As someone who in 1993 put my copy of "Civilization" in the microwave, on the grounds that I could be either a computer-game addict or a deputy secretary of the Treasury, but probably not both, I have very mixed feelings about this... :
- Connecting American Foreign Policy to Economic Policy: "How might a reimagined American foreign policy... bolster the... economy...?" :
- The Pernicious Prison of the Price Theory Paradigm: "Steve explains it all far better, with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one..." (2014):
- Why Fascism is Rising Again (And What You Can Learn From It) :
- Business in the United States: Who Owns it and How Much Tax Do They Pay? :
- Good Policy Is the Goal. Compromise Should Not Be: "Matt Bruenig just wrote an excellent series of posts dismantling a misguided ‘Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream’ from the American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution..." :
- Last Night's Event with Carmen Reinhart (2011):
- There’s more to capital taxation than capital gains :
- Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Financial Institutions (2014):
And Over Here:
- Links for the Week of December 7, 2015
- Mea Culpa: Confidence Proceedings Edition: I Really Do Think Dynamic Scoring Is a Bad Idea
- The Archives: December 13
- Liveblogging History: December 13, 1945: Eleanor Roosevelt
- Live from the Roasterie: A good start to this winter's Sierra Nevada snowpack...
- Must-Read: Steve Greenhouse: A Safety Net for On-Demand Workers?
- Weekend Reading:: James Boyle (1991): A Process of Denial: Bork and Postmodern Conservatism
- For the Weekend: Hogfather
- Live from Over the Rocky Mountains: The Democratic Machine: "We are so ready for Donald Trump to go birther on Ted Cruz...
- Weekend Reading: Philip Klein: A Trump win would validate liberals' caricature of Republicans
- Must-Read: Miriam Ronzoni: Where Are the Power Relations in Piketty’s Capital?
- Must-Read: Ananya Roy: The Land Question
- Weekend Reading: Charles Gaba: Avik Roy's Latest Is Kind of Embarrassing...
- Live from La Strada: DougJ: Things Done Changed
- Liveblogging History: December 12, 1945: Penicillin
- The Archives: December 12, 2015
- Must-Read: David Roberts: Why Conspiracy Theories Flourish on the Right
- Must-Read: Matt Bruenig: Why Education Does Not Fix Poverty
- Live from Evans Hall: I would merely point out that the out-of-touch elite is not confined to the Republican Party...
- Must-Read: Mark Thoma: Why It's Tricky for Fed Officials to Talk Politically
- Live from Evans Hall: Siri is really good at recognizing and Apple AutoCorrect is really good at writing 'El Niño'
- Live from Evans Hall: Some of us think that the GOP as we knew it ended when it lost its soul back in 1964...
- Liveblogging History: December 11, 1945: Eleanor Roosevelt
- Liveblogging History: December 10, 1915: Ford's Millionth Car
- Live from Evans Hall: As exam period approaches, people's ability to stay on top of their snail mail decreases sharply...
- Live from Espresso Roma: It's a market failure!...
- The Archives: December 11, 2015:
- Must-Read: Matthew Yglesias: Trumpism Is a Natural Consequence of the GOP Refusing to Moderate on Taxes or Immigration
- The Archives: December 10, 2015
- Live from La Farine: We have been tiptoeing around the problem with Republican likely primary voters...
- Live from Evans Hall: Musing on One's Intellectual Duties...
- Live from La Farine: It is very clear to me that Nino Scalia has found one minority
- Must-Read: Ben Thompson: Digital Dopamine
- Must-Watch: Robert Johnson, Brad DeLong, Linda Bilmes, and Steve Clemons: Connecting American Foreign Policy to Economic Policy
- Today's Economic History: Oliver Wendell Holmes in Lochner
- Must-Read: Steve Roth (2014): The Pernicious Prison of the Price Theory Paradigm
- Inequality, Technocracy, Utility, and the Federal Reserve
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Run, Trump, Run! (As an Independent) :
- 'In a Starving, Bleeding, Captive Land': Some Thoughts on Tony Judt's Opus Postwar (2013):
- Donald Trump: "My favorite was Harrison Ford on the plane. I love Harrison Ford — and not just because he rents my properties. He stood up for America." Harrison Ford "It’s a movie, Donald, it was a movie. It’s not like this in real life, but how would you know."
- "Cockroaches: It doesn't seem like there's a 'culturally Muslim' category to which a non-believer like me might belong (and I probably wouldn't fit in it anyway) but I admit I found this--the casualness of it, and the acceptability--upsetting..." :