Links for the Week of January 31, 2016
Latest Must-Reads:
- Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics (2011):
- Fragility of Purely Real Macroeconomic Models :
- No Take-Backs: The Fed Makes the Best of the Bad Situation It Created :
Latest Links:
- "The old Milton Friedman two-step.... That the Fed could have prevented a disaster... morphs into the claim that the Fed caused the disaster. See, government is the problem, not the solution! And the motivation for this bait-and-switch is, indeed, political..." :
- : Why Are We Ruled by These Morons? (Under Secretary of State Bob Joseph Edition)
- Rubio’s Polling Gain Is The Final Capstone on the Utter Failure of Bush SuperPAC Right To Rise :
- Profits of Doom (2003):
- 11 Notes on Amazon :
- "I guess there will always be a market for books claiming that progressives were The Real Nazis:" :
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