Links for the Week of January 17, 2015
Latest Must-Reads:
- Ten Take Aways from the “Rethinking Macro Policy: Progress or Confusion? :
- Get your students to know each other and make them write for each other :
- Oil Goes Nonlinear /?p=21884) :
Latest Links:
- "The reason... the repeal-and-replace crowd cannot come up with an alternative [to the Affordable Care Act] is because there isn’t one." :
- "More than 6 yrs ago, Majority Leader Cantor said O'Care alternative was 'weeks away' Could mean 1,000 wks!" :
- The Trouble with the TPP, Day 1: U.S. Blocks Balancing Objectives :
- TPP vs Canada: a parade of horribles :
- The TPP as a set of international economic rules :
MOAR Must-Reads:
- Reforming or Deforming the Fed? :
- : [Strangely Self-Confident Permahawks](
- The Great Recession and the Health of Mothers :
- Towards a Global Narrative on Long-Term Real Interest Rates :
- Information in Inflation Breakevens about Fed Credibility :
- The Evolution of Work :
- The Average American Today Is 90 Times Richer Than The Average Historical Human Being :
- Why the Great Malaise of the World Economy Continues in 2016 :
- Bob Gordon’s Not Getting in Your Driverless Car :
- Reforming or Deforming the Fed? :
- Bully for Neurotoxins :
- Innovation and Well-Being :
- Confidence as a Political Device :
- Can Economics Change Your Mind? :
- Free Capital Flows Can Put Economies in a Bind :
- Facing Up to Climate Reality :
- From Welfare State to Innovation State :
- Jeb Bush, Please Talk to Bob Dole About Food Stamps :
- Heed the Fears of the Financial Markets :
- BIS Redefines Inflation (Again) :
MOAR Links:
- The Scary Truth about Inequality: Why the GOP Has Little Reason to Reconsider Its Dangerous Politics :
- Here's why creating single-payer health care in America is so hard :
- Alan Rickman as Severus Snape: His 'Harry Potter' Scenes, in Chronological Order :
- The U.S. Economic Outlook and Implications for Monetary Policy :
- 3 Lingering Questions About Alice Goffman :
- Sociology ganged up on one of its brightest junior scholars, and here's why I think you should take her side :
- Minister of International Trade Mandate Letter :
- The single-payer debate we should be having :
- A Small Step Toward Better Fed Policy :
- What the US could learn from Singapore about making teachers better :
- Why Should Dole Own Container Ships? :
- : [Inside the Eye: Nature’s Most Exquisite Creation(
- Symposium on Jacob Levy’s Rationalism, Pluralism and Freedom :
- The Case for Mexico's Rescue: The Peso Package Looks Even Better Now (1996):
- Aftathoughts on NAFTA (2006):
- Fiscal Policy in a Depressed Economy (2012):
- The Scary Debate Over Secular Stagnation (2015):
- The Melting Away of North Atlantic Social Democracy (2015):
- Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets (1990):
- Three Ways to Help the Working Class :
- The use of models by policymakers :
- After the First Rate Hike :
- 40 Books Svery Self-Respecting Investor Needs to Read :
- Escaping the Slow-Growth Doldrums :
- Reading Augustine’s Mind :
- The Big Short: A Tale of Fools and Crooks :
- Thinking about Wealth Taxes :
- Geography and Development (2000):