Links for the Week Ending January 24, 2016
Latest Must-Reads:
- Learning Economic Lessons from Asia (2013):
- China and Traditional Industrialisation-Led Development: The World Was Not Enough :
- Inflation and Activity--Two Explorations and their Monetary Policy Implications :
Latest Links:
- The four stages of Chinese growth :
- China is like Japan and not in a good way :
- "These are survey papers, showing very small effect [of immigration on wages] is a robust finding. It's not just 'Card vs. Borjas'." :
MOAR Must-Reads:
- Global Warming Went On a Rampage in 2015 :
- It’s Time to Make a Hard U-Turn. :
- "At the lightly-attended Jeb Bush rally.... I was the only black person... garnered some looks... [not] more confused... simply... 'I haven’t seen a black person in real life in a long time'..." :
- Why I (Still) Think Shadow Banking is Key to Financial Reform :
- Wonks and Minions :
- Institutionally Constrained Technology Adoption: Resolving the Longbow Puzzle :
- Sautéed Chicken with Olives, Capers and Roasted Lemons Recipe :
- Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Recipe :
- The Real Republican Problem Is an Appallingly Shallow Bench: "Mitt Romney was a better candidate than we gave him credit for... able to subdue the loon pack... ran a fairly decent non-loon campaign..." :
- Beating a Dead Robotic Horse :
- Middle-Aged White Death Trends: All About Women in the South :
- Time To Increase Interest Rates! :
- The Dead Hand of Austerity; Left and Right :
- Neo-Fisherian Equilibrium with Upper and Lower bounds :
- Reforming or Deforming the Fed? :
- The Return of Public Investment :
- Please: Lets Agree to Speak the Same Language :
- The Price of Oil, China, and Stock Market Herding :
- China devaluation – a necessary evil? :
- The Gospel According to Trump :
MOAR Links:
- Global Economy Can’t Withstand Four 2016 Fed Hikes :
- GOP Senator [Richard Burr]: "I'd Vote For Bernie Sanders Over Ted Cruz" :
- "Ted Cruz doubled-down on his condemnation of... ‘New York values.’ Babe, just say what you mean: Jewish, black, gay values..." :
- On Becoming a Socialist :
- Charlie Jane Andrews on ALL THE BIRDS IN THE SKY, Publishing, and More :
- "An omnipotent voice... 'If a protester starts demonstrating in the area around you, please do not touch or harm the protester.' Laughter erupted.... Sermonlike rambles punctuated by discriminatory preaches to the choir, many of which entailed getting the demographics of this country back to where they once were.... Two hours with Trump was a different beast: as real, as frightening, and as authentically American as it gets." :
- All the King's Men :
- Oh Hey Has Sarah Palin Checked On Her Suicidal Son Yet? That’d Be Nice :
- Carney’s monetary inactivity is right response: "Britain’s economy is far more open to the world economy than the US and is therefore more exposed" :
- Rick Perry Defends Cruz's Swipe At Trump: 'We All Make Fun Of New York' :
- Market Macro Myths: Debts, Deficits, and Delusions :
- When It Comes to Housing, San Francisco Is Doing It Wrong, Seattle Is Doing It Right :
- The Federal Reserve and Awareness of Racial Inequality :
- "David Brooks can get ahead of the game by just joining the 'Hillary Clinton is a Republican in my imaginary political universe' racket..." :
- "I’m well aware that asset prices bounce around.... What scares me is... 1.3% expected PCE inflation 5-10 years... pric[es] in the fact that the Fed will probably respond..." :
- "The Federal Reserve Act’s vision of economic diversity is largely regional and sectoral.... As we all know all too well, race matters.... The [Federal Open Market] Committee’s deliberations would be even stronger if they took more account than they did in 2010 of this essential source of heterogeneity in our nation’s economic life." :
- The Louisiana Scholarship Program (LSP) [is] a prominent school voucher plan.... LSP participation substantially reduces academic achievement." :
- "Artificial General Intelligence must be possible....s because of a deep property of the laws of physics, namely the universality of computation..." :
- The Disability Gulag (2003):
- Risk Parity :
- Recent Economic Data and the Risk of a Recession :
- Health Reform Is Hard :
- The NFL's Donté Stallworth on what it's like to manage millions as an athlete :
- Cables, Sharks and Servers: Technology and the Geography of the Foreign Exchange Market :
- Even Talking About Reducing Drug Prices Can Reduce Drug Prices :