Procrastinating on January 25, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog:
- Learning Economic Lessons from Asia (2013):
- China and Traditional Industrialisation-Led Development: The World Was Not Enough :
- Inflation and Activity--Two Explorations and their Monetary Policy Implications :
- Weekend reading: Quitting, low wages, racial inequality, and more :
- The corporate savings glut and the economic possibilities of the future :
- The four stages of Chinese growth :
- China is like Japan and not in a good way :
- On Becoming a Socialist :
- "These are survey papers, showing very small effect [of immigration on wages] is a robust finding. It's not just 'Card vs. Borjas'." :
- Why I (Still) Think Shadow Banking is Key to Financial Reform :
- Wonks and Minions :
And Over Here:
- : The Archives: January 24, 2016
- Liveblogging History: January 24, 1946: The President's News Conference
- Must-Read: Diane Coyle (2013): Learning Economic Lessons from Asia
- Must-Read: Cardiff Garcia: China and Traditional Industrialisation-Led Development: The World Was Not Enough
- Weekend Reading: Charles Gaba: Ted Cruz and the Case of the Vanishing Health Plan
- Must-Read: Olivier Blanchard, Eugenio Cerutti, and Lawrence Summers: Inflation and Activity--Two Explorations and their Monetary Policy Implications
Might Like to Be Aware of: