Procrastinating on February 28, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth--The Equitablog:
- The Financial Crisis: Lessons for the Next One (2015):
- Current climate models are grossly misleading :
- Scalia’s Death Prompts Dow to Settle Antitrust Lawsuits for $835 Million :
- What Happened to the Great Divergence? :
- Obamacare Opposition Is Totally Cynical (2013):
- A massive class action over risk corridors :
And Over Here:
- Weekend Reading: Michael S. Gazzaniga: A Road Trip to the Origins of Our Species
- Live from La Farine: Scott Lemieux: How Sanders Lost South Carolina, And Why He Won't Win the Nominatio
- Econ 210a Spring 2016 (First Half): Introduction to Economic History: Files
- Weekly Memo Questions: Econ 210a Spring 2016: Introduction to Economic History (First Half)
- Live from La Farine: Kudos to General Hayden for being a real soldier. But I am much less optimistic here than Mark...
- Comment of the Day: Graydon: Current Links: 'The thing about the Nick Stern climate article...
- Weekend Reading: Steve Randy Waldmann (2014): Welfare Economics: An Introduction
- Live from the Roasterie: Josh Marshall: Inside the GOP Implosion and the War to Stop Trump
- Must-Read: Paul Krugman: The Cases for Public Investment](
- Must-Read: Karl Polanyi (1947): ‘The market mechanism moreover created the delusion of economic determinism as a general law for all human society...
- Must-Read: Justin Fox: Stuff Keeps Getting Cheaper
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Reporter accuses wrong person of... discussing legitimate & reasonable concerns: "The Intercept needs to exercise some quality control. If its management does its job, I would be surprised if Lee Fang remains employed there..." :
- Iran Election: Reformists Win All 30 Tehran Seats :
- Crypto Wars II :
- Opt Out :
- The Ascendance of Elizabeth Warren (2012):