Monday Smackdown: David Weigel on Stephen Moore's "Club for Growth"
Yet Another Monday Smackdown: Josh Barro on How the Rumpublicans Smashed and Burned Their Own Furniture, and Now Complain That They Have Nowhere to Sit

Live from Golgotha: You know what happens to the Incarnate Word this Friday the 25th, don't you Josh?:

Josh Marshall**: The Incarnation: "I'm not sure anything better captures the GOP's inability to grasp what's happening to it...

...than the House Freedom Caucus wrestling with how to grapple with the rise of Donald Trump and how to resist his candidacy. Donald Trump is the Freedom Caucus. You might even say, in the beginning was the Freedom Caucus. And then the Freedom Caucus became flesh and walked among us. And his name was Donald Trump...
