Liveblogging the Cold War: March 27, 1946: George Marshall

Live from the Bellagio: Yes, there is something terribly wrong with the Republican Party's base and the establishment that has now spent 25 years feeding it. Why do you ask?

Duncan Black: Eschaton: George Bush Did One Thing Right: "I find it rather disturbing how it's 'controversial' that Obama thinks terrorist attacks mean we shouldn't blame all Muslims...

...Obviously white people (and people of all races) kill people with guns in this country every day, but aside from that, there was a guy who also made an attempt to diminish anti-Muslim bigotry after a major terrorist attack that actually happened in our country. You might remember it. The guy's name was George W. Bush.

Sure then he decided to invade Iraq which kind of invalidated all of that, but after 9/11 he genuinely made an effort to not blame 'Muslims' or 'Islam' for what happened.
