Live from the Las Vegas Strip: In my experience it's not left-wingers but right-wingers who dislike "rednecks". Left-wingers tend overwhelmingly feel sorry for them--it's right-wingers who dislike them and have contempt for them as marks and suckers...

I am thinking about this now because various correspondents are drawing connections between the "look[ing-]down on the rednecks" of Justice Nino Scalia's hunting buddies and of National Review, and what I can only see as the displacement of their own beliefs onto others of the Charles Murrays and the Clive Crooks:

Jeff Toobin: The Company Scalia Kept: "Scalia travelled to the Texas hunting trip on a private plane with a friend named C. Allen Foster...

...He represented the Republican Party in redistricting cases and the company formerly known as Blackwater in a case arising out of the death of four of its contractors during the American occupation of Iraq.... The fiftieth reunion of the Princeton Class of 1963. Like many such essays, Foster’s begins in a jocular vein--‘You’re only as old as your current wife,’ he writes....

I’ve also been pursuing my passion—killing things. I’m sure many of you have become mamby-pamby girly men and think that killing things is oh, so redneck and lower class. Well, you’ll be delighted to know that I generally go killing things with Continental royalty and English nobility, and we look down on the rednecks just like you do....

I am pleased to report that I’ve killed lots of elephants, lions, buffalo, leopards, kudu, deer and the last legally shot black rhinoceros, together with more than 150,000 birds of various species. When the last duck comes flying over with a sign around his neck ‘I am the last duck,’ I will shoot it.

Concluding with a political observation, Foster writes:

It also won’t surprise you that I still rail against liberals, the academic kleptocracy, Washington bureaucrats and feminazis.
