Comment of the Day: Live from the Rumpublicans' Self-Made Gehenna: "Look at those 'Reformicons' go...
:...It looks like they are making progress, and by progress I mean regressing.
JohnR: Live from the Rumpublicans' Self-Made Gehenna: "This view of Cruz as a believer in 'constitutional conservatism'...
...still astonishes me. It requires a pretty radical redefinition of both 'constitutional' and 'conservatism' somewhat like redefining 'lemonade' to mean 'battery acid'. Cruz's understanding of the United States Constitution appears to be like his understanding of the Christian Bible--an awful lot of actual writing is ignored, and a lot of stuff is apparently included 'between the lines', written with invisible ink. As for 'conservatism', in what sense are the modern, self-described 'Conservatives' (note the capital C, indicating a group label) actually 'conservative' (note the lower-case c, indicating a political or practical philosophy)? I'd call them radical reactionaries, myself.