Links for the Week of April 10, 2016
Most-Recent Must-Reads:
- Private Equity’s Mark-to-Make-Believe Problem :
- Why Talented Black and Hispanic Students Can Go Undiscovered :
- Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few :
Most-Recent Links:
MOAR Must-Reads:
- The Case for a Grand Bargain :
- David Card :
- Book Talk: "Concrete Economics" | Institute of Governmental Studies :
- Obama Pursued Transformation as Republicans Chose Self-Destruction :
- A Bunch of Websites Migrate to Medium--Following: How We Live Online :
- The Financial Crisis, Austerity and the Shift from the Centre :
- U.S. Unveils Retirement-Savings Revamp, but With a Few Concessions to Industry :
- Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds (2012):
- Density is Destiny :
- Social Security Replacement Rates as Reported by the CBO :
- Introduction to States of Dependency: Welfare, Rights, and American Governance, 1935-1972 :
- : [Why Fossil Fuel Power Plants Will Be Left Stranded]( )
- Chairman of Everything :
- "United shows me better fares... :
- Women have made the difference for family economic security :
MOAR Links:
- The Feminists Of Wakanda :
- A Conflicted Man: An Interview With Ta-Nehisi Coates About 'Black Panther' :
- Monte Verità | Otto Gross | Fanny zu Reventlow | Else von Richthofen | Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik | Felix Somary | :
- List and Maintain Your Wants :
- The mainstream U.S. press has recently become willing to label a leading politician racist. Can this last?: "@dfreelon: 'Now that we've seen them perform well on this most egregious of cases, let's demand better coverage of subtler ones.'" :
- Design It Like Our Livelihoods Depend on It :
- The Quiet Research That Led to a Resounding Success in Diabetes Prevention :
- The Rise and Fall of an All-American Catchphrase: 'Free, White, and 21' :
- : UC Berkeley Honoraria Guidelines
- **Karen Tani
- Why 40 years of official nutritional guidelines prescribed a low-fat diet that promoted heart disease / Boing Boing :
- Tesla Motors' Elon Musk just killed the petrol car :
- The Safe Asset Problem is Back: Negative Interest Rate Edition :
- What’s the Right Minimum Wage? :
- Goldman: "Household Formation Close to Normal" :
- JOLTS and another look at the health of the U.S. labor market :
- Chances Are Your Big Data Models Are Racist, Sexist, or Both :
- Tesla Follow-up, Medium for Publishers :
- How important is lowering the national debt? :
- Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction :
- The 1996 Welfare Reform Bill Hits Again :
- Will California’s New Minimum Wage Law Make sense in Bakersfield? :
- American policy fails at reducing child poverty because it aims to fix the poor :
- Animal Spirits in a Monetary Model :
- Helicopter Spotting :
- "The bottom line is that unconventional monetary policies that move away from repairing markets or institutions to changing prices and inflationary expectations seem to be a step into the dark..." (2013):
- Past and Future in 19th-cy Europe :
- Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans (1998):
- World Population and Production: Trends and Outlook (1953):
- : [World commerce and governments: Trends and outlook](
- The Negro Motorist Green Book :
- Mughal Empire :