Live from La Farine: This by Jennifer Steinhauer strikes me as unprofessional. This New York Times reporter does include a "Republicans have failed... since it passed in 2010" to provide an ObamaCare alternative caveat, but I do not think that is sufficient:
Paul Ryan, a Mirage Candidate, Wages a Parallel Campaign: "if the Republican nominee does not provide an alternative to the Affordable Care Act...
:...something Republicans have failed to do since it passed in 2010--Mr. Ryan intends to do so, just as he will lay out an anti-poverty plan...
Surely by now Jennifer Steinhauer knows that what Ryan intends to do is to say that he intends to provide an alternative to ObamaCare, not to actually do the work of providing an alternative to ObamaCare? Those who have provided an alternative--most recently Burr-Hatch-Upton and before that Burr-Coburn-Hatch--have run into political buzzsaws as a result of the policy choices that they have been forced to make in order to actually produce a proposal.
Enabling con artists to continue their con of "serious thought-out and structured ObamaCare replacement just around the corner" is not a pretty posture to assume...