Live from the Rumpublicans' Self-Made Gehenna: May I say that anchor babies for mass deportation scare me? They seem to me to fail some kind of Republican Voight-Kampff test--to lack basic ability to empathize and put themselves mentally in the place of others who wish to share in the American project:

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Reihan Salam: Why I voted for Ted Cruz in the New York Republican Primary: "There was a spring in my step as I headed to my polling place....

...Why Cruz?... [His] opponents for the GOP presidential nomination are Trump, a blowhard who has literally made a career out of lying about the size of his fortune, and the petulant John Kasich, who would be one of the world’s most boring men if he didn’t also have an explosive and easily triggered temper.... The first and most obvious reason I backed the Texas senator is... [to] defeat Trump. John Kasich... should go mutter to himself in a corner somewhere and leave the rest of us alone....

Cruz has run a disciplined, focused, and tenacious campaign.... There is another reason I support Cruz.... Trump’s... noxious tone has made it much harder for immigration hawks to win new allies.... As long as Trump is the most visible figure on the anti-immigration right, partisans of more permissive immigration policies will have the upper hand.... Trump has... said he’d like to allow “the good ones” back into the country. Why... put in place... a “touchback amnesty”? What separates the good ones from the bad ones? Trump has failed to clarify.... Critics of touchback amnesty tend to favor Cruz....

Cruz... has tried to fuse elements of this new populism, from opposition to mass immigration to a deep cynicism about big business, to his more traditional constitutional conservatism.... Cruzism is a better foundation for the party’s future than Trump’s odious authoritarianism...


Wikipedia: Reihan Salam: "Reihan Morshed Salam... born December 29, 1979...

...His parents are Bangladeshi-born immigrants who arrived in New York in 1976; his father is an accountant and his mother is a dietician...

