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Liveblogging World War I: April 27, 1916: Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace

Harry S. Truman: To Bess Wallace:

Commerce, Okla. April 27, 1916

Dear Bess:

Your letter came today. I have been looking for it since Tuesday. I think this postmaster is nearly as bad as the cross-eyed woman was before him. He held out a letter of Mr. Hughes' in the general delivery this week. If I had not asked for it, I guess he'd never have gotten it. We have been very busy this week firing the superintendent and sinking the shaft. The superintendent won't fire worth a cent. Says he is going to stay until Saturday and draw his fifty dollars. I suppose I shall have trouble with him on that day.

The mill is running full blast today. We'll probably have a car of ore by the middle of next week. My worries as to where next week's payroll is going to come from will be over then. I have been very much worried about Mamma, she was very sick the first of the week but I had a letter from Mary saying she is better now. I wanted to go home most awful bad but couldn't leave here.

I am glad you liked the Sunday package. Jerry ordered them for me. I had to call him by phone from Miami. It nearly broke me too. Cost $1.61 to talk five minutes. When the company gets rich I'll make them pay it. Does this brand of stationery and color of ink appeal to you? About next June I'll invest in a different color of ink. This bottle will be exhausted by then I think.

You seem to have a very busy week before you. I hope I can get home and get invited to that choir picnic. I had a good time at the last one. If things go well and I get by this weeks pay roll without being mobbed I'll be home Sunday. It is necessary for me to stay home all next week and plant corn. Running a farm and a mine so widely apart is some job. If they were on adjoining lots I could manage very well. Mines are not usually in a farming country but this one is. There is a wheat field and a hay field on our west line. I was down in it yesterday twice. There is a lot of lead and zinc in sight. If I get home Sunday I'll call you. Write me anyway on the chance that I won't. Things are somewhat mixed here and I'm the official straightener.

Most sincerely,

