Procrastinating on April 13, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- The disappearance of monetarism - Equitable Growth
- The importance of income and place in U.S. life expectancy - Equitable Growth :
- How American Cities Can Make America Great Again :
- Supply-Side Policies in the Depression: Evidence from France :
- Middle-Aged White Death Trends: All About Women in the South :
- Event: Macroeconomic Policy Options for the World Today :
- Can Central Banks Make Three Major Mistakes in a Row and Stay Independent? :
Should Reads:
- Mr. Phillips and His Curve: "What Should the Fed Do?" Weblogging
- How influential was the Rogoff-Reinhart study warning that high debt kills growth? - Quartz (2013):
- A kink in the Phillips curve :
- On the Proper Size of the Public Sector and the Level of Public Debt in the Twenty-First Century
- The Macroeconomic Outlook as of December 1992
- Moving to the Innovation Frontier :
And Over Here:
- Liveblogging the American Revolution: April 13, 1778: Alexander McDougall
- Must-Read: Derek Thompson: How American Cities Can Make America Great Again
- Must-Read: Jérémie Cohen-Setton, Joshua K. Hausman, and Johannes F. Wieland: Supply-Side Policies in the Depression: Evidence from France
- Must-Read: Andrew Gelman: Middle-Aged White Death Trends: All About Women in the South
- Live from SF: In fact, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John Williams simply stands mute at the podium for thirty minutes...
- The Disappearance of Monetarism
- Hoisted from Fifteen Years Ago: The Monetarist Counterrevolution
- Hoisted: Monetary Policy: Try Overshooting for Once!
- Monday Smackdown/Hoisted from Others' Archives: The Young Ezra Klein a Decade Ago on a Component of the Right-Wing Noise Machine
- Must-Watch: Joe Gagnon et al.: Event: Macroeconomic Policy Options for the World Today
- Liveblogging World War II: April 12, 1946: Beached, Sunk & Damaged Japanese Shipping
- Must-Read: Simon Wren-Lewis: Can Central Banks Make Three Major Mistakes in a Row and Stay Independent?
- Liveblogging the American Revolution: Continental Currency
Might Like to Read: