Procrastinating on April 14, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- More Musings on the Fall of the House of Uncle Milton... - Equitable Growth
- Unemployment insurance might increase unemployment, but only slightly - Equitable Growth :
- You filed your taxes. Congrats, you’re administrative data! :
- Benefits of Welfare Payments :
- Nafta May Have Saved Many Autoworkers’ Jobs :
- Listen to the Victims of the Free Market :
- Why Has Regional Income Convergence in the U.S. Declined? :
- "#ConcreteEconomics: The Hamilton Approach to Economic Growth and Policy is one of the best and most useful books of the year." :
- The Political Economy of Time and ‘Work-Life Conflict’ :
Should Reads:
- Why economic policy overlooks women :
- Global Inequality and Poverty :
- How to Make the Fed Work Better :
- New Study Shows Rich, Poor Have Huge Mortality Gap in U.S. :
And Over Here:
- Liveblogging World War I: April 14, 1916: Battle of Lake Naroch
- Must-Read: Dina D. Pomeranz: Benefits of Welfare Payments
- Must-Read: Eduardo Porter: Nafta May Have Saved Many Autoworkers’ Jobs
- Live from Pebble Beach: Unvirtuous Abbey: The A-Team
- More Musings on the Fall of the House of Uncle Milton
- Must-Read: Megan McArdle: Listen to the Victims of the Free Market
- "We Don't Do Links": Tom Standage of The Economist Wants to Give His Readers Dunning-Krueger
- Must-Read: Peter Ganong and Daniel Shoag: Why Has Regional Income Convergence in the U.S. Declined?
- Max Weber vs. Josef Schumpeter: Today's Economic History
Might Like to Read:
- SAMPLE Mizzou Football's Long, Fraught History With Racism On Campus: "The protests that brought down top officials at the University of Missouri were the culmination of a decades-long rift between black athletes and the school..." :