Links for the Week of June 19, 2016
Most-Recent Must-Reads:
- The absolute height of irresponsibility... :
- Is Our Economists Learning? :
- When Virtue Fails :
- Sometimes We Get Results :
Most-Recent Links:
- If the Modifications Needed to Accommodate New Observations Become Too Baroque ... :
- Nanataco
- Green Party Presidential Campaigns, In One Tweet :
- American Growth and Inequality since 1700: "Inequality is not driven by some fundamental law of capitalist development, but rather by episodic shifts in five basic forces: demography, education policy, trade competition, financial regulation policy, and labour-saving technological change..." :
- "The problem with so many video-intensive sites is that I can read a lot faster than I can watch your video... :
- ‘Golden Hill’, by Francis Spufford:A debut novel set in New York during its hyperactive infancy is a virtuosic triumph. :
Most-Recent Storified:
MOAR Must-Reads:
- Press Release--June 15, 2016 :
- A Contagious Malady? Open Economy Dimensions of Secular Stagnation :
- Far from Equilibrium: Wealth Reallocation in the United States :
- Inside Louisiana's Blockbuster Medicaid Expansion Roll Out :
- Let’s Get Fiscal :
- Fed’s Current Strategy Ill Adapted to the Realities :
- Brexit and Democracy :
- Duncan Weldon on Globalization and Redistribution (with image, tweets) · delong · Storify :
- How High Are Real House Prices? :
- Brexit and the Globalization Trilemma :
- How to Fix Feminism :
- Why Hasn’t the Productivity Crisis Caused a Bear Narket (Yet)? :
MOAR Links:
- Late Night Schadenfreude Open Thread: Frantically Searching for Their Pony :
- Complimenting Mitch McConnell on his SCOTUS / Merrick Garland strategy: "If anybody can get his senators to all agree to go over a cliff and kill themselves, that’s pretty good…" :
- What’s Wrong with Econ 101? :
- Financial markets are begging the US, Europe, and Japan to run bigger deficits :
- Platform Debates: Free College? :
- Brexiters’ idea of unilateral free trade is a dangerous fantasy: The EU’s regulatory harmonisation is not a perfidious plot against consumers :
- Bondage Fantasies at the WSJ: "Back in early 2009... rising rates, the paper declared, were a sign that all-wise markets feared budget deficits and inflation... government was the problem. Seven years on... [has] the Journal has apologized for getting it all wrong?... Hahahahaha. Instead... low rates are not a sign that governments should build infrastructure, or that inflation is too low. They ‘reflect a lack of confidence in options for private investment.’ So rising rates show that government is the problem, and falling rates also show that government is the problem." :
- Walton’s Republic :
- Reminder: Macro Live, Janet Yellen presser edition, starting at 1:50pm EST: "Matt Klein and I will be joined by Alex Scaggs.... For some light pre-statement reading, we recommend: Recession Watch and the Global Reach of Fed Policy, by David Beckworth; Five Questions for Janet Yellen, by Tim Duy; QE, Basel III and the Fed’s New Target Rate, by Zoltan Poszar; The Fed is making the same mistakes over and over again, by Larry Summers" :
- Markets keep fighting the Fed, will the Fed keep letting them win?: "In the past, the Fed has reacted to diminished expectations for the longer-term level of short-term interest rates by adjusting its own forecast. We’ll be sure to check if the pattern continues today." :
- GOP Senator David Perdue leads prayer for Obama's death :
- Recession Watch and the Global Reach of Fed Policy: "Fed policy... has been putting a choke hold on the global economy... talking up interest rate hikes put a stranglehold on the dollar-bloc countries..." :
- Beyond Fossil Fuels :
- Republicans discover nominating world’s most famous birther might not be a great idea :
- Can Globalization Still Deliver? :
- Globalisation Is Fraying. Look Under the Elephant Trunk :
- Nate Silver unloads on The New York Times :
- Why East Germany did not become the next Mezzogiorno :
- Our nation can't afford past-its-sell-date economic orthodoxy :
- Hojoko Boston
- Island Creek Oyster Bar
- Izakaya
- Sakonnet Lobster
- Grilled Romaine with Blue Cheese-Bacon Vinaigrette Recipe
- Democratic Platform Drafting Committee :
- China's Rustbelt Revamp Leaves Millions of Jobs at Risk :
- Market deregulation and optimal monetary policy in a monetary union :
- soma-zone: BackupLoupe
MOAR Storified:
- ObamaCare and Employer-Sponsored Insurance: Larry Levitt and Friends... :
- Propane Jane: 2016: The Year the Southern Strategy Trumped the GOP: How 50 years of stoking White rage and resentment won Donald Trump the GOP nomination... :
- The Daily Trump!: June 15, 2016: Seriously: there's enough each day for a feature... :
- MOAR Bilgewater! Peter Baker and the New York Times Edition (with image, tweets) · delong · Storify :
- Duncan Weldon on Globalization and Redistribution (with image, tweets) · delong · Storify :
- David G. Bradley Owes Me $100 Every Time He Publishes Something by Ron Fournier (with tweets) · delong · Storify :
- Europe: Too Little Democracy, or the Wrong Kind of Democracy? (with images, tweets) · delong · Storify: Dani Rodrik, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Me, and Others... :
- Donald Trump's Most Horrifying Speech Ever (with images, tweets) · delong · Storify :