Links for the Week of June 19, 2016
Procrastinating on June 20, 2016

Live from the Make-Out Room: Charlie Stross: Gratuitous Self-Promotion: The US West Coast Remix: "On Saturday the 9th...

...I'll be appearing at Writers with Drinks in San Francisco at The Make Out Room, 3225 22nd St., from 7:30pm.

Gratuitous Self Promotion the US West Coast Remix Charlie s Diary

Charlie Stross: The Nightmare Stacks

Charlie Anders: Writers With Drinks: Spoken Word Variety Show:

Saturday, July 9, 2016:
Charles Stross (The Nightmare Stacks)
Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex)
Shruti Swamy (Prairie Schooner)

Cost: $5 to $20, no-one turned away All proceeds benefit the Center for Sex and Culture.

At The Make Out Room 3225 22nd St., San Francisco CA, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, doors open at 6:30 PM.
