Links for the Week of July 31, 2016
Most-Recent Must-Reads:
- Paul Krugman (2013): Helicopters Don't Help:
- Willem Buiter: EU and China Ought to Use Helicopter Money
- Joel Mokyr (2015): Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy
Most-Recent Links:
- Louis Johnston: The Growth of the Service Sector in Historical Perspective: Explaining Trends in U.S. Sectoral Output and Employment, 1840-1990:
- Rowan Jacobsen: Israel Proves the Desalination Era is Here
- Nicholas Lardy: China’s SOE Reform—The Wrong Path
- James Pethokoukis: Pulling up the drawbridge: America and 'authoritarian populism'
- Hysteresis and the European Unemployment Problem (1986):
- Political Aspects of Full Employment (1943):
Most-Recent Storified:
- Storify: "Economic Anxiety" and Trumpism Once Again
- Storify: Josh Marshall Tries to Think About Trump
- Storify: Origins of Trumpism: James Surowiecki and Friends...
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