Live from the Republicans' Self-Made Gehenna: This does not look like "lying" to me: this looks like a form of moderate dementia--Reagan after 1986, say:
Trump Says He Could Have Reversed 5-3 Abortion Ruling Just By Replacing Scalia: "Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump defied the laws of mathematics on Thursday...
:..., claiming that he could have turned around the Supreme Court's 5-3 abortion ruling by nominating a pro-life justice to replace Antonin Scalia.... 'Now if we had Scalia was living or is Scalia was replaced by me,' Trump said, 'you wouldn't have had that. Okay? It would have been the opposite.'... Replacing Scalia with another pro-life justice would likely have had no impact on the ruling. The Texas law would still have been overturned 5-4 instead of 5-3.