Liveblogging Postwar: July 12, 1946: Eleanor Roosevelt
Brexit: I Think Paul Krugman Is Confused Here...

Liveblogging World War I: July 13, 1916: Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace

from Harry S. Truman: To Bess Wallace:

Hotel Muehlebach
Kansas City July 13, 1916

Dear Bess:

I have been trying for the last hour to call you (but I guess you are down in the yard or out riding). I received a wire from Oklahoma this morning saying, 'Come at once prospect is good.' I hope it is. I am on my way and expected to get to see you this evening.

I shall get back to Kansas City at about nine-thirty Saturday evening and if you don't mind will call you up. I am counting on Warrensburg you see. Lizzy is at Stafford's having her stopping machinery arranged.

If your courage doesn't run then we can fall back on mine. That is I think mine will go that far again. I do wish I could have seen you this evening. My train leaves somewhere around ten o'clock. Do you suppose His Majesty has decided to take his finger out of my affairs at last?

The farm is going beautifully. I got all the wheat, oats, and hay saved in grand style and my cow prospect was never better. If the mine only will turn out then ‑ but it's really too great to contemplate. See you Saturday night or Sunday.

