Liveblogging Postwar: August 19, 1946: Eleanor Roosevelt

Comment of the Day: And yet more than half of America's white male voters are going to vote for this obvious grifter and conman...

Kansas Jack: "The ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews":

It gets to the point where one just doesn't know where to go next with this product...

There's a concept in marketing called label proliferation where to distract from one bad ingredient, you just label everything to overwhelm the consumer. It's too much to take in. In the Trump brand case, there are no good ingredients to cancel out the bad ones, we just keep getting a proliferation of really weird ingredients and attributes. But, the effect is similar... it just becomes overwhelming.

What is the end game? Is it to leverage the GOP into a New Republican Party of White Nationalists? Is that really all he wants? He's in debt up to his orange comb-over, US banks won't fund him, he is good at building a brand name, so what is Trump's endgame? It isn't the presidency. I don't think it is a gig on Fox either. He will not go quietly into the night.

I think if you look at who he is surrounding himself with, the conclusion you come to is that he is building the type of grifting operation we have thus far seen only on smaller scales with Rove and others. I think that Trump's New Republican Party can be profitable as a huge one-stop grifting corporation with Trump doing what he does best at the helm and people like Schmitz, Manafort and the Breitbart gang doing the outreach on snake-oil sales to poor and working-class white males who see equality as oppression.

That is what I foresee after Nov 8th. At least, if I assume there is some optimization routine running somewhere in Trump Tower, that is what I see.
