Procrastinating on August 1, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- Paul Krugman (2013): Helicopters Don't Help:
- Willem Buiter: EU and China Ought to Use Helicopter Money
- [Nick Bunker: How Many Big Macs will That Minimum Wage Buy?
- Eric Lonergan: Helicopter Money Is Different
- Eric Lonergan: A Brief Reply to Paul Krugman on Policy Equivalence: "Helicopter money is partly useful precisely because it addresses the institutional failure of fiscal policy..."
Should Reads:
- Alan Blinder (2000): Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound: Balancing the Risks
- (2000): Journal of Money, Credit and Banking: Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment
And Over Here:
- Links for the Week of July 31, 2016
- Another Must-Read: Eric Lonergan: A Brief Reply to Paul Krugman on Policy Equivalence
- Must-Read: Eric Lonergan: Helicopter Money Is Different
- Must-Read: Nick Bunker's Weekend Reading: “How Many Big Macs will That Minimum Wage Buy?”
- Monday DeLong Self-Smackdown: DeLong (2000) Sees the Trees, But Overlooks the Forest as Far as the Macroeconomic Dangers of Low Inflation Are Concerned...
- America's Historical Experience with Low Inflation: Hoisted from 1999
- Live from the Republicans' Self-Made Gehenna: Storify: "Economic Anxiety" and Trumpism Once Again: Chris Arnade, James Surowiecki, and Friends Once Again...
- Must-Read: Paul Krugman (2013): Helicopters Don't Help
- Live from the Republicans Self-Made Gehenna: Dr.Cleveland: Decompensation
- Live from the Republican Self-Made Gehenna: Ilya Somins makes some typos. Shame on the Washington Post for not correcting them! I have cleaned his piece up: Ilya Somin: How Trump Strengthens the Forces of Political Correctness
- Live from the Republicans' Self-Made Gehenna: Trump's Republican Party as an anti-American nationalist party: Storify: Origins of Trumpism: James Surowiecki and Friends...
- Live from America's Better Self: Harold Pollack: Khizr Khan: “You Have Sacrificed Nothing”
Might Like to Read:
- Caroline McCain: _For This Republican, Never Trump Means “I’m With Her”
- Storify: Origins of Trumpism: James Surowiecki and Friends...
Perhaps Worth Reading...