Procrastinating on August 3, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- Sailing Away from Malthus: Intercontinental Trade and European Economic Growth, 1500-1800: :
- Paul Romer: Professionalism and the Academic Division of Labor
- Matthew Shapiro: How Economic Shocks Affect Spending
- Economist: A Hire Power
- (Less than) Ten Minutes on Fox News Business... - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Persistent economic disadvantage and education inequality in the United States - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Federal budget deficits, U.S. interest rates, and rates of return - Equitable Growth
Should Reads:
- Larry Levitt et al.: How ACA Marketplace Premiums Measure Up to Expectations
- Economist: Secrets and Agents: George Akerlof’s 1970 paper, “The Market for Lemons”, is a foundation stone of information economics. The first in our series on seminal economic ideas...
- Perry Mehrling: Financialization and its Discontents
And Over Here:
- Reading the Economic History Reading List of the Very Sharp "Pseudoerasmus of Chokurdakh"...
- Must-Read: Economist A Hire Power
- What Was Herbert Hoover's Fiscal Policy?: Hoisted from Five Years Ago
- Must-Read: Nuno Palma: Sailing Away from Malthus: Intercontinental Trade and European Economic Growth, 1500-1800
- "Concrete Economics", Pragmatism, the Hamilton Tradition, the Evolution of Macroeconomics, and the Post-2008 Nominal Demand Shortfall
- Must-Read: Matthew Shapiro How Economic Shocks Affect Spending
- Must-Read: Paul Romer: Professionalism and the Academic Division of Labor
- Less than Ten Minutes on Fox News Business...
Might Like to Read:
- Martin Longman: Obama Just Said What Nearly Every Republican is Thinking
- Dan O'Brien: Politics is souring in the democratic world - but can the centre hold?
Perhaps Worth Reading...